Chapter 2.

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Emily: Actually my dad passed away when I was 6 years old kid. I have two sisters, two brothers and a grandpa. So after my dad was gone my mom worked and fed seven of us.

Boy: Ohhhhh, I am so sorry I didn't know that. So your whole family must depend on you, right?
Emily: No it's perfectly fine. And that is why I was stressed. And I am trying to find a job so I can feed my family and my brothers and sisters.

Boy: Awe, that's so sweet of you!

Emily: Hmm

Boy: What about your education?

Emily: I can't study anymore. If I study who's going to do the work...?

Emily got emotional and cried!!!

Boy: Ok calm down, calm down! Everything will be all right. Trust yourself! Here you go take this tissue and wipe your tears!

Emily: Thanks...

Boy: No problem, anytime for a beautiful girl like you. Btw I have good news for you!

Emily: What...? What is it???

Boy: That will obviously make you extremely happy!

Emily: Tell me quickly I can't wait to hear it..

Boy: I have a job for you! You can join my office whenever you're ready!!

Emily got very happy and hugged him!

Emily: Oh sorry! I hope you didn't mind.

Boy: No it's perfectly fine!

Emily: Anyways you don't know how big this problem was for me and you solved it in like one second. I can't thank you enough. 

This is chapter 2 so I hope you guys enjoy! This story is just a small romantic story about a girl falling in love with her boss. They're so cute, don't you think? I didn't want to make it really long so ya hope you like it. :D 

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