Part 1

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Zosia and her mum and dad have moved to Holby City from London, new house, new school, new life.

Zosia walked into her new form room. She was met with about 25 pairs of staring eyes, fixed on her.

"11C this is Zosia Self. Please treat her nicely" The teacher, Mr Puthram said with a smile

Zosia looked around for a seat and the only one left was right at the back, next to a boy who stared out of the window. She made her way up, smiling to everyone as she walked past. She sat down and the boy still didn't take his eyes off of the window.

"Hi I'm Zosia" She said, being friendly

"Hello" He said quietly

"I'm sorry, you are?" She questioned

"Oliver. Oliver Valentine" he said as he turned his attention to Zosia.
She was immediately mesmerised by his eyes, his lovely blue eyes.

"Nice to meet you Oliver" Zosia said

He said nothing and looked back out of the window.

The bell went for the first lesson, science. This was Zosia's favourite subject. She wants to be a doctor when she is older.
She met the teacher Mrs Simmonds who introduced her to the class.
"Zosia you will be sat next to Oliver" Mrs Simmonds said

"Great" Zosia muttered so nobody could hear

Why is it always Oliver that is sat on his own, Zosia thought. Her attention was diverted to the booming voice of Mrs Simmonds giving the class equations to solve.

Break came fast and Zosia was looking around to find a familiar face to sit with. She saw Oliver and thought it would be nice if they made friends.

"Hi Oliver" She said

"Hi. Er do you want to join me" Oliver said nervously

"Thanks. Oliver I was wondering if we could be friends. I need someone nice round here to show me the ropes." Zosia said

"I am probably not the best person to ask" he said, running his arm

"Oh. How come?" Zosia asked, concerned for her new friend

"I'm the one who constantly gets bullied, teased, ignored, you don't want to get yourself into that" He said with his head in his hands, beginning to cry

"I'm sorry Oliver. I'm not ever going to do that, we are friends" Zosia said whilst putting a supportive hand on his shoulder

"Thank you Zosia." He wiped away his tears and smiled at his friend.

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