April Fools Page 2

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"I'm home!" Said James. He ran up to his bedroom to see his dog and his hamster. He had named him jack II, as his dog was jack. Once he fed jack II, he got onto his bed and cuddled with jack, then turned on his TV to see the news, where he found out all hamsters were going to die in 24 hours! "Oh, no, this can't be real right now...." Screamed James. His heart sank down his body and he ran downstairs to see his parents sitting on the sofa, crying as they heard the news. "I'm so sorry, James" sobbed James' dad. "we can get you a new dog or something." He felt like he'd never want to get a pet again. Until.....

"APRIL FOOLS!" Said the news reporters. All the family laughed and they never spoke about it or remembered it ever again, until next time....

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