I'll Take Off My Mask For You

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"Hey~~!!" Freya exclaimed, running towards the rest of the anime nerds.

"GUESS FRICKING WHAT!" she said, out of breath. "I MET VIKTOR YESTERDAY!"

Marian, Evelyn and Diya looked at each other.

"You mean that Viktor guy you have a huge crush on? What happened to you and Kaneki, then?" Marian said. The words stabbed Freya. She looked away.

"Don't mention that. DON'T MENTION ME AND KANEKI!" She shouted, making everyone around her stare. Realising she had messed up, Freya shook her head and said, "Nothing."

Marian's eyes swivelled towards Evelyn and Diya. "O-Okay." The atmosphere was pretty awkward.

"Are we going to go to the Anime Hotel today then?" Diya said, blowing away the awkward air.

"Yeah, sure, let's go!"

Freya wanted to stop them, but she wasn't in the mood to say anything.

*  *  *  *

At the hotel, they didn't see Kaneki at first, but the four of them instead went to the Yuri!!! On Ice section of the hotel. At once, Freya saw Viktor, who was standing outside his room. He blinked a few times before smiling at Freya and waving.

The anime nerds ran up to him, Freya at the front.

"Hi Viktor!!!" she exclaimed.

"Hello, Freya! Are these you're friends?"

"Yep! We have a Yuri fan, too!" Freya said, aggressively wrapping her arm around Marian. She turned the colour of a beetroot.

"Uh, no! I'm not. I'm on Team Viktor!" she said, waving her arms around.

"Yeah, right! Won't Yuri be disappointed to find out that his biggest fan is betraying him!" Freya giggled as Marian pushed her away. "And even a Minami fan!" Freya said, pointing at Evelyn.

"Minami? Oh, the short one with the dyed red hair?" Viktor said.

"Yep, that's him. I think he's about 7 doors down from your room," Freya said.

"I don't care about Minami!" Evelyn said, nudging Freya. "Come on, let's go," she said, followed by Diya and Marian.

When they left, Viktor looked at Freya and smiled.

"So want to come in?" he said, nodding at his room's door. 


Viktor opened his door and went in. Freya was about to follow, but in the corner of her eye, she saw a flash of black and jerked her head in that direction. And to her dismay, she saw Ken standing at the end of the corridor. Although he was far away, Freya could see him gesturing for her to come. Freya took a step backward, and looked at Viktor desperately.

"S-sorry, Viktor... I can't right now!" Viktor looked hurt but nodded and closed the door. Freya reluctantly inched towards Kaneki. Kaneki also walked forward.

"Um.. hi..." Freya said, swallowing. Kaneki looked her in the eye sternly.

"Can we talk?"

Freya turned her head away, refusing to look at Kaneki in case it made her feel more guilty. After a few moments of awkward silence, Freya decided to leg it, and took a lunge backwards, but Kaneki leaped in front of her and blocked her way, forcing Freya to stand next to the wall while Kaneki looked down at her, his arms leaning on either side of Freya on the wall. He looked much shorter than Viktor, although it was only about 10 cm.

"I don't know why you left me, but you know I'll take off my mask for you to love me back," Kaneki said, letting his fingers run down the side of his face. Then he swiftly stood back upright and strode down the corridor.

When he was out of sight, Freya heard a voice say, "Maaan, you really upset that guy."

Freya turned her head to see Marian standing in the middle of the red carpet, arms folded.

"Y-You were watching?"

"Nope, just saw Ken doing that 'kabe-don' thing. Don't know what else happened, though. What did he say? All I heard was 'for you to love me back'", she said.

Freya's face drooped into a derpy confused expression. She didn't say anything and just shook her head.

"I'm sure old Kenny will be swimming in a pool of his own tears when he gets back to his room." Marian said.

When Marian had her head turned, Freya lunged forward and pushed her against the wall. Startled, Marian gaped at her. "Why were you watching?!" Freya shouted.

"H-Hey! I can't help what I see, can I! You could have talked to him privately!"

Freya weakened, looking down. "Yeah, I know... Just don't tell anyone, will you?!"

"I won't..."

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