Little Sisters

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All of the boys has a sister with a problem.

Gracelynn Tomlinson is mute. She has been since she was kidnapped at age nine. She doesn't talk, choosing to keep to herself, and avoids interaction with the other boys. But why does she feel a connection with Zayn?

Lina Malik is the rebel child. She stays out late, goes to parties and gets drunk, she smokes, she gets into trouble. Her mother thinks sending her to live with Zayn will "fix" her. But she doesn't want to be fixed. At least, not until the worst that could happen, does. Will Zayn ever be able to help her?

Dylan Styles has an eating disorder. She thinks she's fat. She has bulimia nervosa, and counts any calories she consumes. She throws up after eating anything. Harry thinks she's fine. Will she ever get the help she needs?

Talia Horan is suicidal. She's been self-harming since she was fourteen, and needs help. She has been hiding it from her brother because she doesn't want him to worry. But when her problems put her life at risk, will he save her in time?

Jessica Payne is abused. Her boyfriend beats her and she's too scared to do anything. Liam, one the other hand thinks his sister's boyfriend is perfect for her. She hides the bruises, but will she able to keep it a secret forever?

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