Chapter One (Gracelynn)

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        I guess our story really starts that June. Just like always, I woke up at six-thirty in the morning, rolled out of bed, and walked sleepily to the kitchen. As I opened the door to the cereal cupboard, ready to pull out my Cocoa Pebbles, I heard a cough behind me. Freaked out, I jumped, sending the - luckily unopened - box of cereal flying across the kitchen, and then pressed my skinny frame against the counter.

        I sighed in relief when I saw it was just the boys. Then I did I double take. All five of the boys, plus Talia and Dylan were sitting at our kitchen table. The only one missing was Jessica, but she normally didn't wake up before eleven AM. Then again, neither did they, usually. All but Dylan were munching on breakfasts varying from a bowel of Frosted Flakes, to a full plate of bacon, eggs, and cheesy grits.

        The boys all chuckled as I retrieved my cereal, and poured myself a bowel. Then, I plopped into my seat next to Louis. "Morning, bug," said my brother, smiling and ignoring my silent questioning look. I blew him a kiss, smile playing on my lips.

        I looked around, and as if on cue, Louis pulled out my purple spiral-bound notebook and a pen, sliding them over to me. I smiled in thanks, and began to write.

        "Why are you already up?" Louis read when I was finished. He nodded towards Zayn, who was across from me.

        "My little sister, Lina, is coming to live with us," he announced. My eyebrows raised, and my eyes widened in alarm. I yanked the notebook out of Louis' hand and began scribbling furiously. When I was done, I shoved across the table to Zayn, who read it out loud, which was typical of our conversations.

        "What?" he said, raising his voice in a cheesy imitation of a girl's, "Why? What's she like? Why didn't you tell me? Where will she sleep? Please don't put her Talia and I, that'd be too many people in our tiny room!" He chuckled at my little ramble.

        "Don't worry," he said, "She's rooming with Dylan and Jessica, they have a bigger room," he began, "She's pretty nice, but a little...wild. Mum wanted to see if taking her away from what she's used to will straighten her out, and she's always listened to me more than her so. We didn't tell you because we didn't want you to worry. Which you are. So we were right."

        I frown, and nod, looking around the table. After almost everyone was done, Zayn announced that he had to pick Lina up from the airport. He, Harry and Dylan stood up.

        "We'll go with ya, mate," said Harry, "The others can stay behind and make sure everything's ready for her." I frowned, knowing that meant I had to help. Zayn nodded, and they left the flat.


        Several hours later, we met Lina. Jessica and I were sitting in the kitchen. I was drawing a picture, a girl desperately trying to tear duct tape off of her mouth. I don't know what Jessica was doing, I think she was playing on her phone. Liam, Louis, and Niall were attempting to assemble a bedframe for Lina upstairs. Talia had disappeared to take a shower, around half an hour previously, and was still taking it.

        That was when the front door opened. Dylan bounded through the kitchen, towards the downstairs bathroom, waving as she passed us. Zayn walked in first, followed by Lina.

        My first impression was that she was scary - though I tend to think that all people I don't know are scary, so we'll go with Jessie's first impression, which was that she was different. That's a goof description. Lina was different than any of us. She taller than me, with waist length black hair that was cut in choppy layers. There were a lot of random colorful streaks in her hair. She was wearing tight, black leather pants, and an Asking Alexandria t-shirt with the collar cut out. (I later found out she didn't particularly like them, she just wore the shirt because she liked how it fell off he shoulder and made her "look more awesome.") A pair of black combat boots completed her intimidating look.

        The only thing that didn't look frightening to me, were her hazel eyes that matched Zayn's. Those were the kind of eyes I associated with safety and warmth, which made me feel a little calmer.

        "Lina," said Zayn, calling my attention to him, instead of his sister. "This is Jessica and Gracelynn. Gracie, Jess, this is my sister." We both waved, and I scribbled on my notebook, which was by my elbow. I pushed it over to Jessica, who picked it up.

        "Gracie says it's nice to meet you. I agree," she announced. Her eyes continued to scan the paper, smiling when she read my note to her. ("She's scary. I'm scared. Jessie hold me. I'm scared.") Lina raised her eyebrows.

        "Hi..." she said slowly, as if unsure how to feel about us. I sent a half smile, and turned back to my picture, picking up a black gel pen to outline it.

        When they left the room, Jessica turned to look at me with wide eyes. "She's different," she announced. I nodded, and we both looked away.

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