Chapter 4: shrek is luv

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(Virgil's POV)
Roman walked me home that night, talking about hobbies and interests. It was a great night, until I got home.
"Virgil, where the hell have you been?!" My dad screams at me. I scrunch up my face to show how annoying his yelling is.
"With a friend." I say calmly, taking off my jacket and throwing it on the coat rack.
"You've been gone all day!" He yells again. I flinch, why is he so irrational?? Heh, he's got something in his teeth. NOT THE TIME, BRIAN.
"Leave him alone, oh my god! He's still a child. He's aloud to have fun!!" Mom says pulling my dad away from me. He pushes her off of him and she goes tumbling against the wall.
"Shut the fuck up! You don't even know how to properly watch over a kid!" My dad screams at my mom.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I scream at him and push him away from my mother. I then pick her up and rush us up stairs.
"Are you okay?" I ask her and she nods, rubbing her head. I push her hair back and check if there was any damage; fortunately there wasn't. I give her a sad smile.
"You can sleep in my room if you want?" I offer and she shakes her head.
"We'll work it out, we always do." Mom says with a laugh. I grin a bit.
"Goodnight, I love you." I say and shut the door behind me. Once I get to my room I put my hair in a man bun and change in to some comfortable clothes. Just as I was putting in my headphones I see my sister barge through the door.
"What are you doing in my room?!" I almost shout. She covers my mouth.
"Shh. Dads trying to go to sleep. I came in here to ask how your date was." Jay says and I roll me eyes, taking her hand off of my mouth.
"It wasn't a date. I don't even like him like that and he has a girlfriend." I say and she scoffs.
"Yeah yeah, Dina. But okay how was your time that you spent watching the sunset with a closeted homosexual that totally isn't attracted to you?" She says and I raise my eyebrows.
"He's straight, not in the closet. But I mean it was cool. We just talked and stuff, normal friend things." I tell her and she rolls her eyes.
"Come on! What was it like?? Tell me the details!" Jay says and I shake my head.
"How about no." As I say that I push her out of my room. She pouts.
"I love you. Goodnight, Jay." I say and close the door. I brush my teeth and totally didn't dance around the room to Panic! At the Disco until my medicine kicked in. I collapsed on the bed, getting suffocated by covers. I close my eyes and start to go to sleep.
   *Knock knock*
   I rub my eyes and look over to my alarm clock. Who the fuck woke me up at 3:45 in the morning?! Brian, chill out. It's probably just Jay. I groan and roll out of bed. When I open my door, nobody was there. I furrow my eyebrows and look side to side, seeing if Jay was anywhere. Oh hell no, keep this supernatural shit to the TV show. I roll my eyes; then I hear the knocking again. I look around my room then see my window. Patton. I rush over to it and open the window.
   "Patton?!" I whisper-shout and help him in my room.
   "Hey, kiddo. Uh got a minute?" He says and I give him a confused look, but nod. I shut the window and give him a blanket, considering it gets cold that early in the morning.
   "What happened?" I ask as I sit on the bed and he rubs his eyes, obviously tired.
   "My mom and dad found my clothes and makeup." He says, voice cracking a little at the end. My eyes widen.
   "What? How?" I ask and he shakes his head, a tear falling from his eye.
   "They said I have by tomorrow to find a place to stay and take my stuff somewhere else." He says and sniffles.
   "Well, Patton, you know you can stay here. You're the only person my parents actually like. In fact, they like you more than they like me." I say and he lets out a soft chuckle. I pull him close to me and rub his back as he cries.
   "Shhh, it's okay, Pat." I say and I feel him nod.
"Do you still want to go to school?" I ask and he looks up at me with puffy eyes.
"I really don't want to. But I don't want you staying home with me and skipping." He says quickly and I shake my head.
"Pat, no it's fine. Mom wont care and dads almost never home to notice." I say as he nods. We sat there for a few more minutes until we had to go to sleep.
~Le time skip until they wake up bc why would I write abt them just sleeping lmao~
I completely forgot that Patton came over last night, considering it was 3 in the morning. I turned on my side and seen a body laying on my bed. I scream and fall on to the floor, I see Patton shoot up and look over.
"Oh my god, Virgil! Are you okay?" He says and starts laughing. I join in. Soon, my mom comes in and gives me a confused look.
"Uh I need to talk to you for a moment." I tell her and she nods.
Once I get done telling her the situation, and helping Patton through a few tears, she gets up.
"Well, Patton. You're allowed to stay however long you need to. But I do hope things get better between you and your mom." She says rubbing his shoulder. He gives her a sad smile and I get off the floor as well.
Patton was eating some cereal while I settled with a glass of orange juice. I looked up at my mom and she was arguing with my dad on the phone. Patton rubbed my shoulder and gave me a comforting smile; which I returned.
"Well, I have to go to work. Uh, if you need me you have my number and don't throw a party while I'm gone." Mom says and I laugh.
"Okay, Mom. Love you." I say and she waves at me as she walks out the door.
"Thanks, Virgil. You know, for letting me stay here. I swear I'll look for some family members around or get a job to help out or save up to buy-"
"Patton, stop. You can stay here without having to pay us or whatever. I mean you're basically family, we aren't going to kick you out." I say interrupting him, and he grins a bit.
When he's done with his cereal we sit on the couch. I grab the tv remote and turn to him.
"What do you want to watch?" I ask and he shrugs. We scroll past the shows and movies.
"What about Shrek?" I say and he laughs, rapidly nodding his head.
~Le time skip bc everyone already knows that they'd just be reciting every word from it wdym~
I open my eyes and look outside. Shit. I fell asleep. Now I won't be able to sleep as much tonight. Like you were going to anyways? Brian, shut the fuck up. I hear the doorbell ring and Patton opens his eyes.
"I got it." I say and get up. When I open the door I see Roman and his girlfriend Dina. Oh great, it's not like I didn't need a drama queen over during my very valuable shrek time.
"Oh hey, Roman. You're here, and so is Dina.." I glance at her and she rolls her eyes.
"I just didn't want him alone with you again. So, I tagged along!" She says in a bratty type of tone. I sigh and open the door wider. Patton looks at Roman and smirks at me. I gesture for him to shut up and he giggles.
"This is my best friend Patton." I say and Roman waves at him.
   "I've heard a lot about you, Roman." He says teasingly and I point at him warningly.
   "He really hasn't. He just likes to be extra. But yeah I did tell him about when we ran in to each other but that's about it." I say and stop myself because I'm rambling.
   "Who's this?" Patton asks pointing at Dina.
   "What do you mean, who am I? I mean I'm pretty well known." She says and I hold back laughter.
   "That's Dina, Romans girlfriend." I say and he nods, but raises an eyebrow.
   "I didn't know Roman had a girlfriend. Or a significant other, in general." He says slowly and I nod.
   "Yeah. They've been dating for two years." I say and awkwardly smile.
   "Anyway, Roman. Why the hell are you here?" I ask and he chuckles.
   "Well you weren't at school and I was wondering what happened and I remembered where you lived and now I'm here!" Roman says and Dina looks at him weirdly. There was a sort of awkward silence so I cleared my throat.
"So movies?" I say and Roman smiled.
Wassup people? This is a quicker update and kind of a filler?????anyways sorry if there's any mistakes in here (besides my writing lmao) half of the time I was writing this I was crying bc I only write when I'm sad lmao. Anyway, I'm leaving to go home next weekkkkk so more updates maybe???well nobody reads authors notes so peace out!❤️

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