Chapter 3.

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Tate Langdon.

There was something about, Carter that makes me like, love her.

Her caramel, wavy hair that flows past hers shoulders, her brown eyes, same colour as mine, and her smile. God how I can never forget that peaceful smile.

"You're still here?" Carter asked as she approached the kitchen.

"Yeah, I figured I'd wait for you to come home from school so we could go on an adventure!" I exclaimed.

"Uh, sure? okay." She agreed. I took her hand and led her into the misty basement, man it was dark.

"Carter? Are you scared of anything?" I asked her before going down the basement steps.

"Only infections." She said. I nodded and walked down the steps.

We sat on the creaky floor and waited. Even though I couldn't see, Carter she still looked beautiful.

"Why are we just sitting here in silence?" She sighed.

"Shh." I hushed her and we listened.

Everything was quiet, literally not a sound could be heard apart from the low breathing from us. The silence broke when, Carter let out a blood curdling scream that pierced my ears completely, a sound of an angry bull was also heard and I tensed my face with my eyes squeezed shut.

"Listen to me, Carter! You're going to tell him to go away, just shout, go away." I yelled over her screams and kicks.

"G-Go away!" She yelled.

"Louder, Carter!" I shouted.

"GO AWAY!!" She screamed from the top of her lungs.

Suddenly the screams and bull noises stopped. Alls I could hear was, Carter's whimpers.

"C-carter? Are you okay?" I stuttered, I went to caress her face but she turned away, anger showing in her face.

"What the fuck! Did you think this was a joke!?" She screamed.

My face dropped and I was in complete shock! I didn't think she would get angry over that!

"Carter, I-."

"Save it, Tate." He cut me off, she ran upstairs with tears steaming down her rosy cheeks.

"I thought you weren't afraid of anything!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I scattered away when I heard footsteps coming down ye basement steps Carter had just ran up.

"Tate?." The manly voice called out. Quietly I hid behind a book case that belonged to Charles, the owner of the house. Most of the books where about scientific shit. Not my type of books.

"You stay away from, Carter, you hear me?" He said.

I knew by the sound of his voice it was her dad. She never had any brothers, I never see them.

When he told me to 'stay away' from Carter my heart dropped. I won't do no such thing, Carter is my life, the reason I actually smile.

Call me cheesy, but I love her.

I love, Carter Bridge.


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