You're a life saver

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Monday 18th December
I had avoided Adelyn and her brother for the time being, or so I thought. "Son, you have two names on this list which I still need you to take!" My father stressed.

 "I can't, I don't want to," I mumbled.
"You mean to tell me that you don't want to do your job? Stop being such a child!"
"No, I just don't want to take these two people, they don't deserve it," I whispered again.
"Why? What is so important about these two souls that you won't retrieve them for me?" He asked. I ignored him and stared into my mirror. 

"I can't do it," I said.
I looked down at my palms and I smiled to myself at how she looked so puzzled when I had healed hers. "You have feelings for the girl, don't you?" His voice had softened. I did not reply. "But this boy, why is he so special?" He puzzled.
"He's her brother," I choked.
"What's wrong with you boy! She's a troubled mortal and so is her brother. They were both supposed to die the day you went to meet her!" He shouted.

"If you need them to die that badly then I'll take their place. One immortal soul in the place of two measly mortal ones," I piped up.
"I will not allow you to do that. If she really means that much to you, you must take her as your bride and assure her brother gets a partner from our realm too," he said and left in a flash. I slumped down and wished I was mortal. I know it would be stupid, an immortal turning mortal to save two people he hardly knew. "Go to her tonight and talk to her, if you appear as death, as yourself in your truest form and you still like her and feel for them, then I will help you save them and I will talk to your father, but if not, then you must bring them to the underworld for them to be judged," my mother said as she moved away again. She seemed like a shadow, something that was there but withered at the slightest touch. Hunter pounced up next to me and I ruffled his fur. I closed my eyes and willed my being into her room. 

 I saw her dressing gown hooked to a peg on the wall just above her head. I wanted to reach out and grab her, I wanted to shake some sense into her. I remained invisible to her and watched as she set everything up in her bedroom and made sure it was perfect. she had rearranged her bookshelf for the fifth time when I placed a hand on her shoulder. she snapped her head round to meet my face. I pulled her close and looked into her eyes and saw her 'o' shaped mouth as my cold hands proceeded up her back. She pushed me back and I saw a slight drizzle drip from her cheek onto her sharply protruding collar bone. "I can't Will, you told me to think of you and I am but I know!" she yelled precariously. Adelyn trod on thin ice almost literally.

 "Adelyn, I'm not here to stop you, only to warn you. You have three options all of which you will face hardships throughout. One of them is staying with me for eternity and becoming immortal as I am, the other is facing eternal torture and damnation and the last is facing life and staying on earth," I hissed. My heart pounded, my chest ached and my rib cage was burning. 

"If I choose to live, will I see you again?" She asked. 

"Maybe. Perhaps on a second date? If not you will meet me when the time comes," I paced at the foot of her bed. The blue-white glow of the new moon slipped through the curtains like liquid silver. "And if I choose to join you?"
"You will rule by my side and you will be immortal and spend eternity with me. You will want for nothing, fear will be your ally and I will be your king. I do not have long left so you must come to a decision. I will also keep an eye on your brother and do all that is in my power to keep him from death as long as possible," I lectured her. She sat with her head in her hands as she nodded and wept. "Will,you probably already know, but I get these loops. I can't stop myself and it's torture. That's why I planned...why I was going to do this. I wanted to end the torture," she struggled.
"Adelyn, you have to choose, or I will choose for you," I begged.
"Take me with you Will, Im scared, but anything is better than this. I'll do anything," she said as she stood to meet me. I moved through the walls with her by my side and pulled her into her brothers room alongside me. 
"He cannot heat or see us," I explained.
"I'm the problem child, not him!" She half shouted. I watched half teary eyed at the young girl crying over her beloved brother who protected her. "he thinks he's the reason you have your loops. He thinks that it's his fault for not being there to stop you and it drives him crazy every night. you don't know it but some nights, he cries until the sun rises and waits for you to knock on his door so he can see your grumpy morning face," I said as she let salt water drizzle slowly down her cheeks, she nodded.

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