.Chapter two.

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Preston stared at Maxwell. It wasn't because he liked him. No no no. That'd be weird, to like your enemy. Preston liked Harrison, or so he thought. He loved the illusionist's amazing hair, and his clothes made him hot as hell. Plus, they had a lot in common. He thought the both of them would make a perfect couple. He stared down Max, judging him mentally. Though, he didn't really know what he was judging. 'Is it his hair? His curly hair goes in all different directions, and looked pretty... disgusting! Yeah, pretty disgusting. Or his eyes. His eyes are an odd colour, but they were actually amazing- uh- amazingly horrible! Yeah.' Preston continued to think to himself. He personally thought he sounded like a complete idiot, which he did. But that didn't stop him from thinking about a certain something, or, in this case, someone. What did he hate about Max? Oh, right. His horrible attitude. Of course, Preston still listened to the teacher, he didn't want to get a bad grade, now did he?

Max wasn't in the mood to do anything right now. So he sat there, staring out the window as the teacher went on and on about a subject Max didn't give any fucks about. He wished he could flip anything and everything off and leave this world. He had something on his mind. Preston. Why was Preston on his mind? He had no fucking idea. But he just thought of his beautiful shoulder length hair, amazing eyes that had stars in them when he talked to his friends about Ham.. ilton? Wait, what was he saying? Preston had ugly hair and horrible taste in clothes. Plus, that theater play - he didn't know - got on his nerves.

"Now you can pick your partners," Daniel laughed, "Just joking! I'm picking for you. Nerris and Harrison, Space kid and Dolph, Nurf and Erid, and Preston and Max," He grinned widely, the list going on and on, earning groans from half of the class in the process of it. Well, everyone either than Preston and Max. Preston's eyes were opened wide, ready to confidently walk up to the teacher and tell him why he didn't want to work with that asshole. Max, on the other hand, his eyes were even wider, and his slouching figure was now stood up straight, his mouth open slightly agape due to the shock. As Preston overheard, it was a social experiment. They were to hang out as much as they possibly could throughout the month ahead of them, to see at how much more they could learn about the other. Then, they were forced to write at least 700 words describing how it was, and what they learned from the experiment and about their partner.

God, how Preston despised  the thought of hanging out with Max for a whole month. He didn't look forward to all the insults and complains that were probably going to be said, because deep, deep down,

Max's words hurt him.

Whenever a word was said to Preston from the shorter boy, it was usually something rude and inappropriate. Even all those years ago.

Preston was 11 at the time, and Max was 10, both of them in camp. They found out that the two of them both had small little crushes on each other, so they decided to 'date'. Of course, it wasn't an actual, serious relationship, only things like holding hands and kisses on the forehead or cheek from time to time.

"Hey, Pres?" The small boy mumbled, tugging at the strings of his worn out, blue hoodie that he has had for oh so long. Preston was still the happy, musical loving boy he is currently in high school. He stared at Maxwell, observing his facial features and how cute they were. "Yes, Maxxy?" Preston grinned as he heard a grunt come from the boy. Max didn't really like nicknames. Scratch that, he hated them. "When we grow up, I want to get married with you."

Those words made Preston's heart flutter, and that day he was even happier than usual. But weeks passed, and Max started acting..unusual. He avoided Preston a lot more, and glared at the boy when Preston tried talking to him. He found out a rumor came out that Preston didn't like Max, but instead liked Harrison. That day, he was never going to forget it. When he tried apologizing, it slowly turned into bickering, which turned into arguing. It started getting more intense as the argument progressed, and three words escaped Max's mouth, words Preston will never, ever forget.

"I hate you."

The words fell from Max's mouth, venom dripping from each word that was said. It was as if all of Preston's self esteem, confidence, and motivation just disappeared into thin air. Just like that. In mere seconds, his heart broke into a million pieces. His breathing hitched, and tears stung the corners of Preston's gold eyes. Oh, how Maxwell grew to love those eyes, he used to love staring into them. Used to. But right now, what once was happy yellow-ish gold eyes turned into eyes filled with depression and sorrow, along with tears that trailed down Preston's soft cheeks that Max used to kiss. Max's eyes were filled with hatred, but a pang of guilt struck him like lightning. Of course, he didn't show that. That day, that horrible day Preston wasn't going to forget, was traumatizing. He remembered counting the steps Max took, the leaves under Maxwell's feet making a crunching and rustling noise under the boy's two feet. 43. Max took 43 steps before disappearing behind the mess hall. Preston fell onto his knees, staring at the ground with his now dull, lifeless eyes as tears streamed down his face, dripping onto his lap. He was shaking violently, letting out small sniffles and cries as he whispered the words 'I'm sorry' over and over.

"Um, earth to Preston?" Max interrupted the horrible memory Preston seemed to drown in, waving a hand in front of Preston's face. He blinked a few times, now completely forgetting the fact he was still in school, and not on his bed contemplating life like usual. "The cultist man, aka our dumbass teacher, said the project starts now, so I guess we kinda have to ask each other questions or some shit."

Preston cleared his throat, smiling sheepishly. "Um, right. Are you gay?" Preston blurted out, immediately cupping his hands over his mouth. Max's face turned a dark shade of red but he grunted in response. "Tell anyone and I'll fucking kill you." Max spat, slightly hurting the musical fanatic. "Well, I-I'm gay as well, so we both have a secret to keep now." Preston attempted to smirk, to no avail as it turned out to be a nervous grin. They kept asking questions, and started finding out the things they had in common

Maybe, just maybe, the two would learn to get along.

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