chapter 1

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Rana's POV

It had been 3 months......3 months since our affair began, 3 months since I've felt more alive than ever before, 3 months of stolen glances stolen kisses and interruptions! To say I was gagging to be with Kate all night was an understatement-something had to happen and soon or I would explode

Its Kate's birthday today and I know she's been so patient and understanding but I can see she's struggling with the lies and the extended foreplay. But I have it all in hand and she doesn't even know it!!
Zee is on some boring course for chefs something he said and I zoned out imagining my tongue tasting the woman I love......this is the perfect chance to get away!!
I sent her flowers this morning secretly watching as I sipped my morning coffee, the card making her blush as she read my words 'happy birthday beautiful meet me at 9pm tonight room 127 the Radisson hotel for your real gift ;) i love you so much R x' our eyes met across the crowded bistro and I could see how much that meant, how much I mean to her and my heart almost burst-i wish I could walk over and kiss her here and now :( soon I thought soon I will be brave enough and show the world I am in love with my kate but for now it's ours and ours alone! Quickly paying for my coffee I leave to set up for the night ahead.
And so here i am, it's 8.59pm and I'm sat on the hotel bed, a giant red bow around me, the room lit with only a hundred or so candles when I hear the knock on the door 'come in' I call, seductively laying waiting as she walks inside. Her eyes sparkle like the most exquisite diamonds as she walks inside and the sight of her makes me moan in delight. Noticing me there in the bed, I hold in another moan and bite my lip as she crosses her legs and moans, her eyes glued on my naked body covered only in part by the bow. I know she sees me fully for the first time-the curve of my breasts, the shape of my hips, the arousal coating my pussy.....she sees and she knows it's all hers no interruptions
Knowing the effect I have on her is almost enough to make me cum instantly but I control myself, wanting tonight to be for her and for us, to show her exactly how much she means to me.
Tiptoing over to her until my arms wrap around her shoulders, my lips kissing her softly as I whisper against her mouth
'Happy birthday my love, time to open your gift!'

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