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Tony Stark undid the lid of the Nutella container, sticking a spoon into it, making sure to pile the sugary goodness onto the silver utensil.

He held the spoon in front of the man before him, grinning slightly, "Come on, give it a try."

Loki eyed the glob of brown substance on the spoon distastefully, as if it would kill him.

Tony, as if reading his mind, sighed. "It's not going to kill you, Loki!" As if to prove him wrong, Tony stuck the tip of the spoon in his own mouth, and let his tongue glide over the Nutella, nearly moaning as the sweetness attacked his taste buds. He pulled the spoon out of his own mouth, placing it back in front of Loki.

The Asgardian glared down at the Midgardian food, folding his arms over his chest defiantly.

"Come on! Try it! Don't you trust me?"

Tony gave a slight pout to add to his pleading words and brought the spoon closer to Loki's face.


Tony's pout seemed to deepen at his words, and the God of Mischief sighed, rolling his emerald eyes when the Avenger wiggled the spoon in the air, making odd noises and he tried deperately to make the god eat the substance that looked like a plump dead slug.

"You are not going to give up on this."

It was more of a statement than a question.

A wide grin broke out on Tony's face, as he responded, "Of course not. When am I one to give up on something like this?"

Loki sighed again and leaned forward, preparing for the inevitable. Steadying the spoon with one hand, he brought it to his mouth and gave it a tentative lick, only letting a minimal amount touch his tongue.

"So?" Tony asked expectantly, that cocky smirk that everyone - except for the ladies, minus Natasha - hated. "Do you like it?" When there was no response, his smirk grew wider. "You like it, don't you? Don't you?"

Tony took the spoon back and placed it in his mouth as he re-screwed the cap on the jar or Nutella. He slid the container across the table, and it landed right in front of Loki.

The God kept his face schooled, not even showing the slightest bit of irritation. He shrugged his shoulders before standing and walking back to the bedroom the two shared.

When all the Nutella 'mysteriously' started to disappear and turn up empty only a few hours later in their home, Tony made sure to make a big deal out of it. He enjoyed the look on Loki's face when he told the billionaire off. Loki hated being proven wrong, and usuall with his sly attitude and cunning words he would win any argument the two stubborn men would have.

But Tony had won this one.

And there was no way in hell he would let the liesmith forget it.

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