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It's been a week since he was born I haven't been to any shows but Blake and Reece went on without me. Today   I'm allowed to take him home and I need to name him... Francis. We both loved that name so now I'm calling him that and I know Grace would be very happy with that decision. I had to go out and buy a load of things because we didn't have anything cause we didn't expect him to be born while we were in London.
I put Francis in his seat that was luckily in the car so I didn't have to buy get or a new buggy, i was also taking the girls home and staying home and miss 3 shows until I can go back and bring Francis. It was a quite drive as he was sleeping and we definitely don't want to wake him, we don't live far so we got home quickly. I took him up to what was mine and Graces room and laid Fran on the bed and laid beside him and imagined what it would be like if she was still here with us looking after her baby being a wonderful mum. We would go on family/couple holidays, days out, go on tour and have an amazing life but one was cut short. I needed to make him a bottle but I don't know how.
"Yasss hellooo" Emily said at the door looking at Francis smiling.
"Um I don't know how to make a bottle, Grace never showed me anything" i said asking for help.
"How am I meant to know then! Don't worry lucky me I've got a niece who I look after." She said sitting on the bed.
"Thank god I'm so not ready" i said panicking
"Calm down G you'll be fine I promise you can't do anything wrong we believe in you and you'll be an amazing father to this little man" em said stroking his hand.
I got all the stuff while Emily mixed it all and heated it up.
"Oh thank you you're a star i definitely need your help" i thanked her.
"Any time just believe in yourself"
I fed him his bottle then laid him down in his basket next to the bed and turned the main light off drifting off to sleep.

Hope ya like it *said like Reece*
Decided to do short chapters and see where it goes

his baby ; george smithWhere stories live. Discover now