Don't wake me up (Niall Horan Love Story)

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Hola. I am actually gonna continue this story, cos I've got a really good idea and feel for it, and bear with me the first couple of chapters will be straight of my iPhone with no editing towards it what so ever, and as soon as my laptops screen gets fixed, as I've broken it(I didn't break it I came home switched it on and the screen had smashed from the inside), I will go through all the story I had done already and edit all mistakes and everything! So let's get on with the story:)

Follow me on twitter; @BigBlueEyesx

Follow me on instagram; @annabellejonesx

Now enjoy ;)


So, here I am, in the land of American accents and wow they are amazing. But America is a huge place, and as soon as I stepped of that plane, I knew I'd get lost, and being here without knowing anybody is gonna be extremely hard. Good thing we just stay in one place until they have made there decision.

It is August 13th, and here I am, just stood outside of this huge villa, along with 7 other young girls, all so talented and amazing at singing... We are long awaiting to find out who is going to change our lives. Have you figured out why we are here yet? No... In march 2012, we all auditioned for one thing, a recording contract and a chance to make our dreams come true. Which we all knew could happen if we were successful in. Have you now realised what we are doing?

We are doing the X Factor.

Before auditioning for The X Factor, no one apart from my mum knew I sung, and only then she only knew because she heard me playing my guitar and singing along to the tune. She gushed about how I had such an amazing talent and all this, but I thought none of it, everyone's parents say stuff like that to their children? Well everyone's I knew seemed too. I enjoyed playing my guitar and singing softly to it, all my emotions would come out in the song and I meant every single word I sang.

Most songs I sang you could probably tell were me singing about my dad. When I was nine years old, nine years ago, he passed away after losing his battle with cancer. I was distraught, he truly was my best friend. Me and him were so close, and I felt part of me disappear when he passed. The next two years of his death, I blocked everyone out and turned mute. It was only then I started talking again because I let playing the guitar take over my emotions.

It took mum nearly eighteen months to get me audition for The X Factor, it would be my first time singing in front of people, and boy it was petrifying.

I spent the mornig queuing up outside of manchesters arena with thousands of other people trying to reach their dreams, I myself soon thought to my self there is no chance I would be pass through the first round.

As the nerves bubbled in my belly I heard my name getting called and I stepped into the bright light in front of four judges who could change my life.

The man himself, Simon Cowell was the first to speak. "Hello there, what is your name?'

I looked up and smiled shyly before speaking into the microphone "Demi Smith"

Simon then asked "and how old are you?"

I spoke up feeling more confident "18 years old"

"where are you from Demi?"


"and what are you going to sing for us today?"

"Use Somebody by Kings of Leon, and I will be playing my guitar also"

"good luck Demi"

And with that, I slowly began to strum my guitar.

I've been roaming around, I was looking down at all I see

Painted faces fill the places I can't reach

You know that I could use somebody

You know that I could use somebody

Someone like you and all you know and how you speak

Countless lovers under cover of the street

You know that I could use somebody

You know that I could use somebody

Someone like you

And as I strummed for the last time, I looked up and saw four smiling faces and a crowd of people standing up and cheering, maybe I was okay at this....

First to speak was Mr. Louis Walsh, " Wow! Demi that is talent! You sang and played it brilliantly! Well done"

Next was Tulisa "wow gurly! That was great! Such a great audition, you sang it fab! You've got talent girl!"

Then Kelly Rowland spoke, "fabulous work girl, great audition and voice"

Then there was the one I really wanted to impress, and Simon spoke, "Well when you said you were gonna play the guitar I thought she's either gonna be really bad at guitar or really bad at singing. But then you shocked me and you did both very well, you sang the song perfectly and it suited your voice. So, yes or no Louis?"



"of course it's a yes!"


"yes for you girl!"

"looks like you've got four yeses Demi, see you at bootcamp!"

With that I jumped of the stage and ran to my mum. And boy waiting for boot camp to come around was like waiting for rain in a desert! But when it did, I really did have a great time and of course got through. Which then leads to where I am.

I and the other 7 girls are waiting outside anxiously waiting to find out who our mentor is, and of course the assistant judge, who would not only be here at judges houses but through out the live shows of the show helping out with which ever judge they had been asked to help by.

I, myself secretly hoped we would get Tulisa or Simon, as they both are great people and have great knowledge.

Just for a moment everybody went silent, as the door began to swing open, and came out was....


Enjoy my cliff hanger;)

Bit remember I am on my iPhone and it does get hard to type on, I don't even know how much I've wrote, but enjoy it :L

Don't wake me up (Niall Horan Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now