Chapter two.

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And out of the door walked, Me Sumon Cowell, and my instinct was once again correct. We all cheered and clapped after finding this out. After we had all calmed down, he started his speech, well basically that was what it was.

"So girls, three of you will be lucky enough to come through to the live shows with me, and here before you could be the very winner if this competition is successful for them. You have all done brilliantly to get to this point, and all have extremely good talent. But only three of you will continue this journey and it will be a hard decision, and none of you should forget you are one of thousands who auditioned and you got to the final eight, so be proud. As you know, for 2012, we have added something in. As we normally have someone who helps us decide who to put through at this stage, that person is going to be here for the rest of the journey. And they will help and be there for you every step of the way. This young man is a very good friend of mine and made me proud not so long ago. He is one of five amazing singers, an a great Irish fellow. And here he is, come on out..."

We all stood anxiously staring at the sliding yellow door, as it opened inch by inch, causing more tension.

So I did what everyone wanted to do and yelled "Just open the door already!"

And with that everyone turned around to look at me from the back, and Simon just laughed. As all the other girls had turned too look at me, they had missed the mystery man come out of the door. And I now had eye contact with a blonde haired, blue eyed leprechaun called Niall Horan. One fifth of the biggest boy band out there, and of course the group Simon had mentored in the show just 2 years ago. They had became extremely popular all around the world since then and sold out tons of tours for 2013. You could say they had made it in the music industry.

And I myself, we're a big fan of them, you could call me a fangirling potato if you pleased.

"Hello there everybody, and I am Niall, and I'm in the band One Direction if you didn't know, and Simon here mentored us not so long ago. He is a great mentor and be great you have got the opportunity to work with the man. I am here to help Simon, as are the other boys helping through out the show. I am looking forward to hearing you all later on"

His accent oh my god, Demi control yourself do not fan girl in front of him. At least I could control my self unlike one of the girls. She screamed her head of when she saw Niall, she was so loud it was hard to here him in his mini speech! I must say though he did look pretty fine.

Simon then cleared his throat to catch our attention before carrying on, "So, I think you're all pleased with having Niall here, and we shall see you all later on in the afternoon to listen to here you sing once again, good luck and see you all later"

And with that, Simon and Niall disappeared back into the villa.

"oh my god could you believe he's here?!" - that is all I could here, and frankly I couldn't be bothered to listen to them go crazy over Niall, so I went back to my room, grabbed my guitar and went and sat on a quiet spot on the beach. Just playing random tunes, some times practising the song I'd be singing. More random tunes then anything, just to keep me calm. We were encouraged to make friends right now, but I enjoyed my own company and if I made it, I had some time during the X Factor house to make plenty.

I stayed down the beach for nearly two hours before I realised the time and headed back up towards the villa. Where everyone had gathered outside, waiting for further instructions.

"Thank you for all coming back on time, please all go an wait in the certain spots designated for you, and wait to be called on." one of the many people around the place yelled out, he carried on shouting out the order when I heard my name, "and Demi Smith, you shall go last, so use your time wisely."

I already knew how to spend that time, sitting with my guitar and staying calm. It was nearly an hour of playing calming tunes on my guitar, someone called out my name, and told me to come with them.

The next thing I know, me and my guitar were stood in front of two people who could potentially change mine and my mothers life.

Simon spoke up "Hello Demi, how are you"

"Good thanks, and yourself?"

"were good thanks, what are you singing?"

"Stop Crying Your Heart Out by Oasis"

"okay then, and off you go"

I start strumming my guitar before bursting into the first verse.

Hold up, hold on

Don't be scared,

You'll never change what's been and gone

May your smile shine on

Don't be scared,

Your destiny may keep you warm

'Cause all of the stars have faded away

Just try not to worry,

You'll see them some day

Take what you need

And be on your way

And stop crying your heart out

And once I finished, I look up to find Simon and Niall smiling to each other.

Niall then smiled at me and said, "thankyou Demi, we'll see you tomorrow"

And with that I went back to my room wondering what my fate is to come to...

NIALL'S POV!!!!!!!

Simon had just told me about this girl, just eighteen but yet so beautiful and mature, and a great vocal and guitarist, it's safe to say, I am looking forward to her. I had seen seven other girls, all very talented, but none with the real emotion and passion behind it. No one who had gripped me enough. And now the last girl had came in, the one I had been told about. And boy were they right about her being beautiful. She has long brown wavy hair, right down her back, with gripping green eyes. No make up, and a shy smile. She was holding a battered guitar, but the way she was clutching it, it must mean a lot to her.

As Simon started talking to her, I just smiled at her, whilst I listened to her talking.

I found out she would be singing one of my favourite songs, she had me gripped. I honestly hopes she would prove to be a little star.

As she started strumming her guitar, you could tell straight away she had spent hours on this guitar perfecting the song, making it amazing. A talented guitarist.

But then she opened her mouth and sang the first note, and she had an amazing vocal, and I looked to my right and mouthed to Simon "she's amazing" and he smirked in a reply.

I could listen to her voice for hours on end, it had such a nice tone, and she sang it to perfection, whilst carrying on with we guitar.

She had talent.

The end of the song came far to soon, and as she looked up towards us and shyly smiled. I decided to speak up, "thank you Demi, we'll see you tomorrow"

And with that, she sent us another smile and walked away.

I just turned and looked at Simon, and he expectantly went, "well?"

"well, Simon, I think you've got yourself a winner there, she has such a genuine voice and really shows her feelings in the song, and it's obvious something has happened to her; although a long time ago. The way she changes into a confident girl out there. I think she shall go far."

Simon just smirked again and said, "and I think you're right Niall, she's one of the three and now we just need to find the over two!"

And with that we discussed the other seven girls.

This will be an extremely long and grew some night.


I think this one is longer?! I don't know:L

Any how enjoy niallers point of view. And let me know what you think I could do better:) love you all and follow me on twitter;@BigBlueEyesx


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