Chapter Three.

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Demi's POV.

I woke up the next morning to here everybody moaning about how much sleep they had had. Which by what I could here wasn't much! Unlike those unlucky girls, I slept like a baby, no worries. That's one thing I like about myself, the fact I was so laid back about things, not much fussed me and what's decided is final. Whatever Simon tells me this morning, I will be fine with whatever, I have had a privileged opportunity and I tried my very best. The decision he makes is final and with the answer I get, he will get thanked all the same.

That is my way of thinking I suppose, I never take things for granted after my dad. But I doubt all the other girls would have that attitude I suppose.

As I looked at my phone, I realised it was seven in the morning, far to early in my opinion, but since I'm awake I shall go visit the beach with my guitar; once again. And with that I got dressed into shorts and a crop top, grabbed my guitar and wandered down to the beach. Without a single care in the world.

Niall's POV.

I fealt like a stalker, watching her just sitting there playing to intro of our song, she looked do care free and beautiful. I had been sent down here to find her, she must of lost track of time. And as I found some confidence I took several steps forward and sat down next to her.

She was shocked by me sitting down next top her, I feel so sorry for scaring her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, don't worry, just a little shock" she answered in reply with a shy smile.

"you are really good at playing you know, if you werent on the show I would offer you a job as guitarist in our band, no time"

"aw oh my god, thankyou, I taught myself really, and this was my dad's guitar"

"no problem love, and now for the reason I scared you, everyone has been searching for you for twenty minutes, I would get yourself back up the house if I was you Hun"

"oh god, I never realised the time, I'll head up now, thank you,"

And with that she stood up and left me sitting there, watching her jog back up the track and out of sight.

The one rule Simon set might just be beginning to break: "only one thing Niall, don't fall in love"

Well, what the heart wants, is what the heart wants.

Demi's POV.

Oh my, that was embarrassing! Having to be told to go back up to the house, great impression Dem, I thought as I virtually slapped my self in my head.

As soon as I reached the house, I got pushed towards where I assume Simon was telling us our fates, although I said earlier I wouldn't mind the result, but going on the x factor would be an amazing experience.

"Ah Demi, decided to come up then" he said whilst chuckling.

"I'm so sorry, I lost track of time, I was down the beach it seemed like five minutes and then Niall came and told me I had to come back..." I stuttered as I tried to explain why I wasn't about, but he just carried on chuckling at me.

"Seriously Demi, it is absolutely fine, so now let's get down to business, you know our situation don't you."

As I just nodded in reply, he carried on.

"well so far we have came across so many talented artists, so many different personalities and voices, but none like yours, your an extremely talented young lady, and that is exactly why I am keeping you for a little while longer and making you my third person, congratulations Demi."

"wow, erm, thank you so much, I will try my hardest."

And with that I gave him a brief hug, and ran out of his sight squealing. As I turned the corner, I headed into Ant and Dec, the presenters, asking me for interview. - wow an interview, I could get used to this, I thought as I nodded to their question.

"So demi, how do you feel about being chosen to be in the live shows?" Dec asked.

"absolutely amazing, I honestly cannot wait for it, I'm so excited to show every body my voice and talent."

"well that's absolutely great Demi, we cannot wait to see you perform, Well done Hun," Ant told me.

And with that I thanked them, and decided to walk back to the beach to phone my family.

As I was walking down, I picked up my phone and dialled my mums number....

Nialls POV...

I heard a faint voice coming down the track, "mum I got through!.....yeah he's just told was amazing, I cannot wait!..... Oh okay, love you mum....bye" and with that the voice disappeared, but it was loud enough for me to figure out whose voce it was... Demi's.

Yes it is freaky that I already recognise her voice after knowing for little over a day, but she's amazing honest.

And then at that very minute, she came around the corner, and boy did she look breath taking, utterly break taking...

"oh hey Niall, you're still down here then..."

"yep, just been thinking, congratulations by the way, your voice is amazing, you're talented." and with that comment, she turned a crimson red.

"erm, wow thank you, that means a lot coming from such a talented musician, I love your band, you could kinda call me a directioner maybe even haha!" she chuckled at the thought.

"well thank you love, means a lot, we haven't had much contact with our fans recently, we've been busy with our recently released album, and now we promised to help Simon with the show, it's mental really!"

"wow! I love your new album, very original and different!"

"thank you again haha! What is your twitter name then Hun? Gonna let me follow you"

"oh god this is embarrassing, I I have like 34 followers but it is @DemiSmith_94"

"well, I feel privileged to be your first celeb follower! And now expect tons of followers, because I just gave you a shutout to six million followers, you an thank me later" i added a wink to the end.

Demi's POV.

I was astonished as I watched my followers zoom up from the mere 34 followers to nearly fifty thousand. Wow, directioners can really work when there asked too!

"Well Demi, it was a real pleasure to talk to you, but I'll see you in rehearsals, bye for now, I'll dm you!"

"hmmm, bye Niall" I said as I gave him a hug, and a strange feeling filled my stomach, but I just brushed it off, I couldn't wait to work with him, but I'd have to wait another month before I could move into the x factor house.

And now I have to go pack and head home, to where a huge party would be waiting for me, that I do not particularly want when I have jet lag, but hey they've supported me.

So I headed back up to the house leaving behind the sunset.


Erm, do you like the first nemi moment?;)

Erm, do you like this story? Is it going seems where or am I wasting my time? Cos it's taking me forever to write up on my iPad/iPhone :/ I don't even know if I'm doing good length paragraphs and chapters:/ let me now!

Ps this is cmpeletely original, I dreamt it hhahhahaihahahah!

Lots of love Annabelle.

Follow me on twitter; @BigBlueEyesx @xStayStrong_ :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2012 ⏰

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