File 1 - Just A Simple Day

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Chap and Nifidel discuss in a VC (box and skull would be mute, but always typing their thoughts) about the recent events in the Cvolton GDPS Server and how it can be fixed, with their usual perspectives and personalities. 

Chap: Slightly cold and calculated, generally honest, and nice if treated with respect.

Skull: Like Chap, except he leans more to a sarcastic side. Still a nice person if treated with respect.

Nifidel: Probably the more hated out of the bunch. He has controversial actions, reactions, but can still be somewhat polite. Also, he is an extreme living meme. Really rare to find the true side of him.

Box: Pretty polite person, likes himself a good meme, overall an average living being.

They remembered that Pingas was late once more. His excuse was that he was "coding something huge". Pingas is pretty lazy, but a good person.

After 30 minutes of discussing, Pingas finally goes in the VC.

P - Henlo!

N - Where were you at man?

P - Was just coding some shit, as usual.

S - how surprising.

B - once more, the coding excuse.

C - So, we were all talking about the recent situation with a moderator being banned from the server for no apparent reason. Wanna join?

P - Sure!

For the next 25 minutes, they all discuss about random topics, including the recent GDPS events. Everyone leaves slowly, until there is only Pingas and Chap.

C - I wanted to touch the "coding situation". What's that all about?

P - Oh, I found this really cool program and I kinda began doing shit on it.

C - It seems like it's consuming a lot of your time.

P - Yeah, that's true. I'm just implementing shit into this big file called "World".

C - "World"? What do you mean by "World"?

P - I don't know, could talk about it later, I'm interested on seeing what I can do here. From what I've seen, nothing has happened, but I hope it's for good use later.

C - Okay, you can deal with that "World" file of yours, I'm just gonna go to sleep. Bye.

P - Bye.

*Call ends*

"Wait, there's a premium version? "Have your codes become reality!". Interesting. For free? Hell yeah, I'm getting that shit!"

Pingas, now with the premium version of whatever he downloaded, decides to test something out.

Add = cup.obj

When he looks to his side...

"Wha- what? I swear to god that wasn't there before. Let me try something else."

Modify = floor

Change to: grass

Now he looks at his floor.

"What the fuck?!"

There is actual grass on the floor. 

"I have an idea. Dad! Could you come here?"


He hears him walking up the staircase.

Before his dad opens the door and peaks his head in the room, he types the following:

Remove = Dad.chr

As soon as he hits the enter button... his father vanishes.

" fucking way. It actually works! I wonder if it does anywhere else."

Pingas goes out with his computer and his new "ability".

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