Chapter 2: Realisation

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventurers of Dawn and Dusk

Chapter 2: Realisation

Hope's POV

"Ughh…" I groaned as my eyes slowly opened. When my vision cleared, I saw that there was a female vulpix and a male pidgeot with a scar shaped like a Z on his left cheek standing over me, watching.

I was in a small circular dirt room, about the size of a small bedroom, lying on a bed of hay. It wasn't that uncomfortable, actually. To the right of me was a doorway with no actual door. I could see the sky through it, cerulean blue with a few wisps of clouds drifting across it. Directly across from the doorway sat a large red iron treasure chest.

I rolled onto my stomach and stood up. I realised two things; one, that I was only slightly bigger than the vulpix, and two, that my legs were awfully short, meaning I had to stand on all fours.

I was suddenly enveloped within a bone-crunching hug from the vulpix.

"Aww, yeah! You're awake! I thought you were a goner!" she shrieked with delight. The pidgeot gave her an ominous look, which clearly meant, That can wait for after the patient has healed.

The Vulpix quickly released me, blushing slightly. I tumbled onto the floor, landing on my tailbone. After a moment of dull pain, I stood again, making a mental note to stay at least a foot away from her.

"Sorry about that, chikorita." The vulpix apologised. I blinked, wondering if I was hearing her correctly.

"I-I'm not a chikorita, I'm a human!" I stammered. She stared at me blankly.

Vulpix's POV

"Well, you sure look like a chikorita…" I muttered. "Maybe you got hit on the head or something."

The chikorita slowly took a look at her body, a look of frightened realisation spreading across her face. "I-I really am a chikorita! Leaf and all!"

I rolled my eyes, grinning. "Took you long enough."

She gave me a worried look. "I was ahuman I'm not lying or crazy…"

The chikorita seemed pretty honest, though human to Pokémon transformation is impossible. I shrugged. "I guess I believe you. What's your name?" I asked. "I'm Satou."

"My name's… Hope. Nice to meet ya." Hope replied.

I remembered something. "Oh yeah. There's a huge gash on your forehead. Thought you might want to know."

Hope stared at me. "Well that's… comforting…" she replied with careful sarcasm.

"Where did you come from?" the pidgeot (named Hane) queried suddenly. "We might be able to go there and figure out what happened."

Hope frowned. "That's another problem. I seem to be missing all of my memories but two. That my name's Hope and I was a human. Other than that, well…" She sighed deeply and hung her head.

Hane smiled sadly. "Don't worry. We'll find out some other way. Anywho, you should get some rest. Being deprived of oxygen for any length of time is bad for your health."

"Don't be silly," Hope giggled. "I'm perfectly-" Suddenly, Hope tumbled sideways onto the ground, snoring loudly.

Smirking, Hane nudged her back onto the bed. "Don't say I didn't tell you so," he murmured.

...Several hours later…

Hope's POV

"…Uh… what now?" I asked. My seven hour sleep had refreshed me, and now I needed something to do, or I would probably explode from all the energy whirling around inside of me.

Satou blushed slightly at this. What on Earth or elsewhere is she thinking about? I wondered. Scratch that, I don't want to know…

"H-hope? Do you… want to-" Satou was interrupted by the sounds of running feet and bawling.

I whipped around and was nearly bulldozed by a crying elekid, eyes shining with tears.

"Jen got lost!" he wailed.

Hane rushed over and wrapped a wing around the elekid, calming him slightly. "Start from the beginning," he said calmly.

"We were playing in the woods by Mirror Lake, and Jen said, 'I want to go look at something', and I was building a tree house, and then when I was done, I went to look for her, and I searched and searched, and I never found her!" he replied, again breaking into tears in the middle of his report.

"What kind of Pokémon is Jen?" asked Satou politely. I looked at her, unsure of where she was going with this.

"She's a Pichu," the elekid sniffed. "Please go find her…"

"Why didn't you go to the Federation and ask for an Adventure squad to help?" Hane questioned, a bit sternly.

The elekid hung his head. "I did, but there were no squads available…" he sighed.

Satou replied with so much force that I jumped. "We'll do it!" She fist pumped, but stopped mid-pump. Satou glanced at me. "Won't we?" she asked.

I pondered it for a moment, then answered, "Sure, why not? I mean, it's not very pleasant, losing your friend in a forest. I'm in."

Satou's eyes sparkled. "Thank you," she breathed. She looked at Hane. "What about you? Are you coming?" she asked.

But he shook his head. "Maybe not. I have to inform Jen's parents that you're searching for her. I can give you a map, though, since neither of you are from around here."

Hane turned and walked over to his chest, kicking it open with his right talon. Reaching inside of it with the same talon, he drew out a scroll of parchment and unrolled it. Hane turned around and spread it out onto the floor. It was a map of the island and the two that apparently surrounded it.

Conokamo Island was shaped roughly like a circle for the most part, but to the east was a dent in the circle, a bit like an oval, labeled 'Glacier strait'. There was also a thick outcrop of land to the north, slowly curving to the northeast. There was also one similar to that to the west.

Ishara Island was south of Conokamo, and was shaped like a cross between a W and a fat worm. With a shudder, I noticed it was the only island with volcanoes.

Pechigi Island was apparently covered with snow and ice. It looked like a Y that had too many hamburgers, and was northeast of Conokamo.

Satou looked up from the map and smiled at Hane. "Thanks! We'll make good use of it," she said, rolling it up and grabbing it tightly with her teeth. "Off we go, Hope!" she proclaimed through her mouthful of parchment.

I grinned. "We go off," I agreed. I turned and strode out the door, Satou following closely.

-End of Chapter 2-

A/N:Lots and lots of words. Muahaha! }:D Bull horns!

Meh, sorry if those descriptions weren't very good. But I'm trying, mmkay?

Hope, Hane, and Jazz(the elekid) are property of me, Esper12.

Satou is property of NewYearJirachi.

Disclaimer: I did not create Pokemon. It is property of Nintendo.

May your sails stay full and your socks stay dry!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2012 ⏰

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