Twelve (Your POV)

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I woke early in the morning, the nights were odd in this house. It was as if I had discovered more about myself, but became disconnected with reality. Every little thing made my body jump slightly. My heart would find its way into my stomach.
Wilford had left earlier this morning leaving a note on the fridge stating that he had some business to take care of. But, he wanted me to tell Dark that they still had some matters to discuss. Great.
The nightmares I had started having since the first night I arrived became more erratic, unusual. They explained somethings about Dark, why Wilford called him Damien.
Was he mayor of this town before he became...whatever he is?
A man like him wasn't born like he is. He isn't even a man, anymore.
I stood in the kitchen my finger playing with a vial that I found in the drawer of an office. The office was marked things by a man named Mark. I heard Wilford mention his name a few times, with the name of a woman that I had never heard of.
The liquid in the vial called to me, as if something deep in my head was telling me to do it.
Killing him is the only way out of here, (y/n)'ll never see him again. You'll be free
Freedom is what I wanted, but something else fought against it. Curiosity lived inside my gut. There was something about Dark that intrigued me.
He will kill you. Curiosity killed the cat, princess
I'm going insane in this house. I haven't had fresh air, clean air since I arrived. Toxins ran their way through everything on this property. My younger brother always told me that Sage could kill all of the negative, all of the bad.
That's what I needed, to kill the negative energy. But something inside me fought that curious side as I dumped the contents of the vial into Darks coffee.
My hands shook as I held the mug in my right hand, traveling towards Darks office. The clock struck 7am as I neared the office door. A nauseating feeling settling into my stomach. Something wasn't going right and I knew it, a pull kept me going towards his office.
As I knocked and entered, Dark was sitting straight up in the dark leather chair. His tie undone, the top buttons undone to his shirt. He wore no blazer like he normally did.
His eyes were tired, I knew they were. They were always tired, but today a somber look laced them.
"I-I uh brought y-you coffee, s-sir," my voice wasn't mine anymore, I skipped like a broken record.
"Thank you, (y/n) can leave,"
Bowing slightly, I exited his office. As I got halfway down the hallway, I heard the loud smash of the glass breaking. My heart sped up before I could think of anything else I started to run.
My legs felt dead as I got to the front door, as I sling the door open I heard Dark scream my name. It wasn't anything I had ever heard before. Everything glass around me shattered. That nauseating feeling came back. But I kept running.
I ran to the driveway, tripping on the pebbled walkway. Angry foot steps were behind me, I slung the black heels on my feet off and picked myself back up. Knees bloodied and busted, my heart raced.
Right as I got to the gate to exit the property a rough hand grasped onto my wrist. I was slung up against the brick wall and faced with a grey toned Dark. He twitched as blue and red tints radiated off of his skin.
"You think you can run from me? What the fuck was that (y/n)?!? Huh?" His hand grasped roughly onto my neck. "Answer me,"
"I-I......"no words could escape my mouth.
"This is not a fucking game, it's my way or your death," he leaned back as he cracked his neck loudly.
"I-Help!!!" I screamed loudly.
This action caused Dark to pick me up by my throat and sling my body against the gate. As my body fell like a sack of potatoes he picked me back up throwing me over his shoulder and making his way into the house.
It seemed like an eternity before we stepped back into the house. I screamed every step back into the house. Beating against Darks back, tears escaping my eyes violently.
We arrived to our destination, Dark opened a door and threw me into the dark room. My eyes wouldn't adjust until a light was flipped on. Dark came into sight as his body twitched.
Stepped closer to my frozen body, he raised his hand at me. Slamming it viciously against the floor next to my head.
"Why did you do that? You do know that I'm immune to anything that can kill you pitiful humans," His voice was as demonic as the first weeks I had spent with him.
"You're pitiful,(y/n) truly are. Oh, am I going to love killing you," His band grasped against the back of my head grabbing onto my hair.
He pulled me up, turned me around, and slammed my head violently onto the hardwood flooring. And then again. I could feel the warm blood oozing from my temple and my now broken nose.
"So fucking sad, kitten," a chuckle escaped his chest.
He released my head leaving me screaming in agony. I could feel his presence above me. Everything was silent just for a few second, allowing me to catch my breath as I felt his large foot connect with my ribcage. 
Once. Twice. Crack. Three. Crunch. Four. Five. Pop.
After all of the anger left Darks body, and my screamed were silenced by my voicebox giving up. The agony spread throughout me. Regret balanced out the pain. Tears escaped my eyes mixing with my blood.
Then the courage I had been searching for found itself somewhere inside of me.
"I'm not your toy!!" my voice was hoarse from screaming.
"Not my toy? Is that really what you think?! You're right!" Dark sat in front of me, kneeling. "A toy you can play with, you're everything to me. I can make you do anything I want, and you'll like it, princess"
As he said that, he stood proud. Leaving me to lean against the furthest corner of the room. The lights were dimmed, as he made his way towards the exit. Sobs racked through my body.
Dark exited the room, closing the door behind him. As he closed the door I heard latches clicking on the outside of the door. Locks. I was truly a prisoner now. How stupid could I be?
Freedom isn't something you need. Gain his trust, make him love you. Then tear everything away from him, just like he did me, my dear (y/n).
"Wh-who are you??" I mumbled to myself. Smacking the palm of my hand against my forehead.
I am a friend, I was a friend to your master. I know everything to break him, and I know how to free you. This was just a test, now make me proud.

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