Taylor's Story - #Chapter 3; Big Girls Don't Cry

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'Tay, you will always be my best friend no matter what. Even though I'm in another country and we might not be a trio anymore, I wouldn't be who I am or where I am today without a friend like you and I'll never forget it.' Those were the last words Ria spoke to me in London Heathrow before she got on the plane to New York. I watched hand her passport to the flight attendant, trying to quickly wipe away the tears forming in my eyes. She turned around and gave me a small smile and I could see she was welling up too but Ria would never cry in front of me and would definitely have waited to bawl on the plane. She boarded the plane and I turned to find my way out of the airport, feeling alone and separated from someone who had been there for me for so many years and is now basically gone forever. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing and as I looked at the caller ID I saw it was private number. I knew it was Rakeem and busy toned it immediately and put in my jacket pocket. Ever since Theo had gotten out of hospital, he had been calling me and leaving me voicemails and texts reminding me that he wouldn't give up until he had me and that he had eyes and ears everywhere so there was no escaping him. Any feelings I had for Rakeem in the past that had come back when seeing him had been well and truly fucked over by this obsessive and stalker like persona I was seeing. I just wanted him out of my ridiculously complicated life because he really wasn't helping things at all. After kissing Theo in hospital, I thought it best to avoid him which hadn't worked because him and Nate had become real good friends and now I saw him everywhere all the damn time. How was I meant to suppress feelings for this kid if he was constantly being shoved in my face? Just this evening, they had planned a double date with me, Nate, Theo and this girl he had been talking to for a couple of weeks. I already knew I wasn't going to like her because I never liked the girls Theo went out with except for one that I became really good friends with but she turned out to be a dirty cheating skank which was quite upsetting. Theo had tried to talk to me about her but I really wasn't here for that so he had stopped trying. I felt like our friendship was deteriorating and planned to do something about it but had to get through this stupid double date first. I got in my car and texted Nate before I set off home.

Me: Is there no way I can get out of this dumb date?! *slits wrists* I don't even like Italian food -__- PLEASE!!??! lovesya :) xxxx

I knew he would just laugh and ignore my text but I thought it was worth a try. I got onto the motorway and got stuck in traffic. Typical, I thought to myself, this is exactly why I hated coming to Heathrow, there was ALWAYS traffic. I kissed my teeth and plugged in my ipod, turning on a playlist called 'Chill The Fack Out Mate' which constisted of old school Lauryn Hill, Maxwell, Brian Mcknight and other new mellow artists like Daley and Corine Bailey Rae. As I swayed slowly and hummed along to Maxwell Pretty Wings, my phone vibrated and I saw a text from Nate.

Nate: you LOVE Italian food mate, were you not just yammin that M&S ravioli I bought last week?! I'll pick you up at 8 yeah? ;) love you beauts :) xxxx

I screwed my phone and hit my head against the steering wheel in frustration, accidently beeping my horn and getting a less than pleasant reply from the car in front. Finally the traffic started moving and after what felt like hours, I finally was on my way home. I was cruising along singing to Lauryn Hill when I my phone rang and I saw that it was Theo.

Me: hey bighead, how can I help you?

Theo: waddup boo, where you at?

Me: just driving home to get ready for tonight, why, what's up?

Theo: cool, ima be waiting for you at your house so hurry yo ass up.

Me: ite, see you ina bit. loves ya Tee.

Theo: luh you too Tee.

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