Chapter 1

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We sat in silence at the breakfast table, today was the six year anniversary of us leaving America. For me, the sixth anniversary of not seeing Jackson, I never forgot him and that conversation. But had he forgotten me? I have been living in Australia for six years now, but I always wondered if he still thought about me.

'Honey are you okay?' Said mum. 'Mom, how could I be okay? I have been living in this run down town, so we could hide from the Russian spy's for 6 years! I replyed coldly, Mom looked taken aback, 'I know you have gone through a lot, the whole family has. It was a risky move of your father to film secret information and yes it did backfire. But us as a family we have grown stronger together, If I could change what happened. I wouldn't.' Said mum. How could she think that?! I thought, If I could change what happened I would! If I could change my life, I would! She is crazy to think that, as I rose from the table and rushed to my room with all mixed emotions.

'Ellie! Ellie come back! We have not finished talking'...SLAM! The door made a louder noise than I expected. As tears rolled down my face, I jumped to my bed and bundled myslef up in the covers. Why! Why do I have to go through this! Why does my dad have to be part of the secret service! Why do I have to live in basically the middle of nowhere in Australia! I wish I could go back! Thats all I want! To go back to America to have my normal life again... But I know now that my life will never be normal.

'Ellie! Elanor Evelyn Somers! Your father is home! He has something to tell you! I rose slowly from my bed. He probably wants to tell me off, I slowly walked down the stairs to hear my mum and dad whispering. 'Elanor, come sit here' said my father nervously. I sat down feeling very suspicious. 'Elanor, something I am going to tell you is going to change all our lives. This is one of the most important desicion of our life and your life, I do not know If you will be happy about it though' said my father very nervously. What will change my life....


Hey guys hope you enjoyed the new chapter! Chapter 2 will be out very soon! The countdown till Christmas is almost at its end! And so is 2017 😦! I cannot beleive how fast this year has gone by! Have you enjoyed the year? Are you looking foward to Christmas? Write in the comments section below!


Annie xx 😘💖🎄

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2017 ⏰

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