Meeting Again | Chapter 2

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[Vylad's POV]

As I walk to Garroth's house, I see a girl walking there as well. I stop to take a look at her, not in a stalker-ish way but more of a wondrous way. I couldn't see her face so I couldn't tell who she was.

She arrived at the house, moments before me. She kept knocking on the door trying to get my brother to open up. "Need help?" I asked her. She turned around, I saw her beautiful E/C eyes, H/L, H/C hair. She was confused, as if she didn't know who I am. "I'm Vylad."

I saw her eyes grow big, like something horrifying just happened. "Is something wrong?" I asked her. She was hesitant to answer, she still looked in shock.

"N-no! Nothing is wrong," she stuttered. She was shy, it was cute about her, "I'm Y/N. A friend of Garroth's," She gave a nervous, but sincere smile towards me.

I smile back at her response. What was weird is that the name sounded familiar, the girl looked familiar as well. I couldn't tell who it was just from that though, but I could definitely sense a weird tension between us.

There was honestly just an awkward silence between us at the time. "Sooooo," I said trying to break the silence, "What brings you to Garroth's place?" I asked her. She is once again hesitant to answer, but she does anyway. She tells me that she's there to meet Garroth's brother, again. After college, they became distant. I asked her if this person by any chance had a name.

"Garroth didn't tell me his name, unfortunately," She sighed, reluctantly, "I honestly don't have that great of a memory so it would've been nice if he had told me," She turned around and knocked on the door once again, "Damn it, Garroth! Open up!" She says.

"Hey, Vylad!" I heard someone from behind me scream. I turn around to see Aphmau and Zane. Zane mumbled something to Aph. "Shut up, Zane. Say 'hi' to your brother like the good little Zuzu you are!"

The two cross the street, "Aphmau! It's been far too long," I said giving her a hug.

"And the edge lord is here," Y/N proclaims.

"Hey, Y/N!" Aph says joyfully.  It's funny how she completely ignores the fact Y/N called Zane an edge lord. She then looks at both me and Y/N. She seemed confused, much like how Y/N looked when she first saw me. "I didn't know you two knew each other," She says.

"We don't really," I said, nervously.

"Yeah, we just met each other!" Y/N said nervously, as well.

[Y/N's POV]

I kept lying to Vylad, I figured if I told him we used to be friends, he would ask questions or make statements about me that most likely have changed over the years.

I honestly really just wish Garroth would open the damn door so this awkwardness between us all ends. I hate it, it feels weird.

"If you say so," Aph shrugged. She looked at both of us with a suspicious face, as if we were hiding something. I'm sure Vylad wasn't, but it felt like she could see inside my brain or something.

"Well, where are you two going?" I said to try and break the silence. She told me that they were going to Zane's place to binge something since Katelyn is using the TV at her place. "My Little Horsies, I suppose?" I said with a smirk.

"NO!" Zane screamed.

"The Edge Lord strikes again!" Vylad said laughing. Even Aphmau was laughing. Zane crossed his arms at the response. You couldn't see it due to his mask, but you could tell he was pouting.

"C'mon, Zane! We're just joking!" Aph said, still laughing.

"Let's just go already," Zane said rudely.  Aphmau said her goodbyes and began walking towards Zane's house with him. It was just me and Vylad afterwards, in awkward silence, again.

Next thing you know, I hear a door unlock and open. "Y/N! Vylad! I'm so glad both of you came!" A familiar voice said. I turn around to see Garroth, who looks like he's about to hug the both of us in the awkward mess.


Yay, another chapter? This took longer than expected to write, I'm sorry. Anyways, Garroth seems to be happy? But there's going to be a huge surprise later on~! That being said, thanks for reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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