Not Just Any Red and Green

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Draco's P.O.V

" sprinkle of Honeyadder venom...beak bone from a phoenix..." Draco muttered to himself, scratching up his parchment in haste. Finishing off his last words, he snapped shut his book and stood up to hand in to Snape.

The tall, greasy haired professor's eyes judged Draco's scrawl for a few minutes before tucking it into his robes.

"Well Malfoy, it seems your DADA grade has significantly improved the last year...and a...hallffffff. Whatever be the reason for...this." Snape said, his icy green eyes staring over his hooked nose.

Draco shrugged and gave him an equally icy glare. Snape waved away the blonde haired wizard, before returning to browsing a set of 2nd year essays.

As Draco paced it through Hogwarts, he noticed that crowds scattered when he passed, even the Slytherins. He couldn't blame. He would avoid himself if he could.

For the past week Draco had gone lower than ever, all hints of his previous snarky attitude and excessive hair gel gone...with his only source of hope. He had always been good at compartmentalising how he felt from how he was supposed to act, yet since his close encounter with Granger nothing could barricade his mind from his heart. Even while planning to murder the school's headmaster, she was always lingering at the back.

'I wish I could just talk to her. I just want her to listen...that's all I want. Her to listen.' His heart yelled into his mind.

Sometimes he wished he could pull out his heart and become a robot of no emotions. Just follow any orders without guilt. Draco pondered whether Voldy Moldy's bloody Horcruxes meant he felt nothing or whether it was magically possible for him to remove feelings.

A sharp creaking noise, like two bricks scraping together, yanked him from the dark hole in his brain. Turning around, Draco watched as a door emerged from the depths of the brickwork in the wall. His eyes widened as familiar panelling and arch appeared, the doors opening themselves, as if beckoning him inside.

Draco knew that the Room of Requirement, for some reason, opened for him when on Death Eater Duty (as Crabbe and Goyle had mockingly dubbed it), but other than his contemplating of Voldemort, he had not thought anything of the sort.

Curiosity pulled him towards the room. He looked around in confusion, jumping slightly at the doors slamming behind him. An old couch covered in green and red cushions sat to the side, a desk placed in the corner, covered in papers and ink bottles and shelves of books that extended across the back wall. The room felt homely, warm and nothing like the cold and harsh feeling The Room where Everything Was Hidden had developed.

Draco, still confused, walked along the length of the book case, reading some of the titles.

"Tales of Defending. Darks Arts and Beating It. Fighting Under the Dark Arts." Draco read aloud as understanding washed over him, "All DADA related."

The red and green cushions. Not just any red and green, Draco thought as he slid the book he held back into its place, but Slytherin green and Gryffindor red.

Draco walked back to the door with a slight skip in his step, opening it and turning to head back to the common room.

The Room of Requirement had opened not just for him, but for someone else too.

And Draco knew just who to invite.


Author's Note:

Just a little linking chapter. Expect big things in the next few.

Merry Christmas Everyone! Be sure to leave a message of any ideas you like or want me to try and include in this fanfiction.

Write soon,

RB. :) 

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