You Cant Stand Up For a Ferret

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Hermione's P.O.V

Hermione watched from the back of Snape's classroom as Draco stood awkwardly under the gaze of the Slytherin/Gryffindor class. 

"Now Malfoy..." Snape drawled, "I want you to perform a perfect replica of a last night's curse deflectors."

Draco nodded with as much certainty as he could muster. His expressionless face was betrayed by his grey eyes, which flashed with nervousness. Snape was being mean. Hermione could tell. She knew something was happening between the two and that Snape was punishing Draco by making him stand in front of the class and perform a type of magic Draco was weaker in. 

She was frightened by a loud huff from next to her. 

"Why does Snape always pick Malfoy when he is obviously not top student." Harry hissed in frustration, his knuckles turning white around his wand. 

"Probably because Malfoy is Snape's favorite." Hermione replied, rolling her eyes a little. Her eyes wandered from Harry and back to Draco. She scanned his sharp jawline and eyebrows furrowed in concentration. A sense of pride filled her as he successfully pulled off the spell, which she had helped him perfect.

Trying to ignore the niggling sense of awe in her stomach, she turned back to Harry and watched his technique. Although Hermione had seen him perform it many times, it was usually in times when Hermione had to pay more attention to her wand. Usually when someone was about to die. Often herself. She liked to watch his technique, since this was the only class he scored over herself in.

"You can't stand up for a Ferret 'Mione." Ron growled from the other side of Harry.

Harry nodded, eyes narrowing, and to Hermione's horror, meeting with Draco's greys. 

To Hermione's relief, Draco looked away. 

'That's one of the only smart moves he has made lately.' She thought, making a note she would mention it next time they met. 

She smiled, looking down at her books shyly. They had been meeting more and more lately, ever since they had found the safety of The Room. And it wasn't too long until Slughorn's party.

It was brilliant. 

It was one of the only things that helped Hermione get through the growing stress of caring for Harry, studying, wanting to fix things with Ron and the constant threat of attack hanging over all their heads. 

They were set to meet up again tonight, after Hermione took a quick trip to the Forest for the Asphodel Root she had become so reliant on.

But Draco wasn't so happy with that arrangement. 

After DADA, Hermione was pulled into a dark corner of the castle.

"Mione..." whispered a smooth voice, "...please don't go into the Forest. You don't need the Root anymore. means less time."

Hermione shivered as Draco's warm arms enveloped her and his lips landed on hers.

"Draco..." She replied softly, between kisses, "...someone might see...".

Draco stepped back.

"Isn't that half the fun Granger?" He raised an eyebrow, and Hermione laughed at the ridiculous, mischievous look on his face.

"Maybe Malfoy...but just so you know..." She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, "...your so cheesy."


"Night Harry." 

Hermione lounged in the Gryffindor common room, faking intense study as the last of her yawning classmates wandered into their dorms. 

Once she was certain that no one was nearby, she followed her usual Thursday night routine of collecting what she needed for the trip into the forest, Accio-ing everything from Harry's room and into her arms.

With practiced silence, she opened Harry's map quietly and whipped out the frame doorway and into the castle halls. She was almost at the courtyard, when she felt a presence behind her.

"Petrificus Totalus!" 

Hermione felt her arms snap to her sides, the map falling from her hands to the ground. Her mind whirred in panic, until she felt herself being caught in a pair of soft arms.

The face above her was shrouded in darkness, but she knew from the smell of peppermint, that it was Draco.

"Finite Incantatum." He whispered, his wand hovering over her stomach, and he caught her back as her body sagged out of the previous spells affects. He pulled her to her feet.

Hermione slapped him.

"What are you doing?!" She said harshly, "Are you an idiot!?"

Draco looked at her nervously. 

"Can't you just come back to the Room please? Skip the Root, surely you have leftovers."

Hermione's rage boiled within her.

"No! I do not have leftovers and if I did, I would be using it to make a de-idiocy potion for you!" 

She wanted to scream at him, but settled for rough whispers.

"'Mione, please. We get little time as it is. Just...please?" Draco's eyes flashed with fear. If Hermione was in a better state, she would have seen he was hiding something, but right now, anger shadowed her senses.

She shook her head.

"I need it Draco! I thought you understood! This is important!" 

Draco's eyes darkened with worry slightly.

"Yes! But why do you have to constantly prove your better than everyone!" He snapped, "Why wont you just let it go that Potter is better than you!"

Hermione clenched her fists and took another step away.

"You bloody hypocrite!" She cried, "Are you listening to yourself?!"

Without waiting, she turned and stormed away, breaking into a run once outside in the courtyard. 

Draco called out in worry. 

"No..." He whispered, hands on his head, pulling at his hair, "I should have just told her..."

Authors Note

Heyo everyone,

We are almost there! Almost the end!

Dont worry, there are still a few more chapters left, but make sure you leave a comment about what you think Draco is so worried about!

Thank you all for reading!

As always,

RB. :)

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