Reckless Imagination

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Hey My Name is LeeLee and I am a fan of Mindless Behavior. I love all of the boys including Prodigy even though he has left the group but I wish him good luck and lots of love in his next journey in life. Anyways I have a soft spot for Roc Royal therefore my first story is based on him but the rest of the boys are also included throughout. I hope you enjoy my creation and will pass it on to your friends so that they can read it too, it would be definitely appreciated!

Let's Begin!!!👏


Hey My name is Laylani Amor Mae. I'm currently on a Plane to visit my cousin and family in Atlanta. I am from London and have recently finished my end of high school examinations that's why I am travelling as a present from my mom and late birthday gift. Anyways enough about me let's continue with the story !

Bree : Laylani, Laylani, over here!

I could hear and see my cousin calling at the arrival exit as she came to pick me up.

Bree: Hi girly! How you been? I missed you, long time right.(she exclaimed as she pulled me into a warm hug)

Lay: I have been great and I missed you too! a Where are Uncle and Auntie?

Bree: They are at home waiting for you and making home more welcoming.

Lay : More Welcoming? I feel totally welcomed already! I love you guys

Bree: You tell my mother that( laughing) you know she considers you as the second baby

Lay : I love my Auntie! Imma tell her that when I see her!

Bree: (Smiling) Come on let's go! We got a long drive home.

Lay: Alright I'm ready!

When we arrived, I was greeted with lots of love from my now second parents. My aunt cooked and it was amazing! After we spent some family time together before going to bed.

Bree: Lay, Do you want to go to Six Flags with me and Joe(her boyfriend) tomorrow ?

Lay: Yeah sure. I didn't get to go last time so why not. I wanna go!

Bree: Okay GoodNight Lil Sis! See you in the morning, Night!

Lay: Night Bree!

Next Morning...

I woke up and began my hygiene routine.... after my shower, I began to look for some clothes. I decided to wear my high rise acid-wash jeans, plain white vest top and my blue and white Jordans to match my bottoms and just if it gets cold I bought my light grey jumper then when downstairs to get breakfast and say GoodMorning to everyone.

Lay: Gimme some hahaha I'm joking but GoodMorning Everyone!

Aunt: GoodMorning Darling! Sleep Good?

Lay: Perfect!

Bree: (walking into the Kitchen) GoodMorning! What are the plans today Mom? And where's Dad

Auntie: Well I have got work today and later I am going to WalMart to buy a few more essentials that are needed in the house and your dad has gone to work early today, also he says Goodmorning. What about you ladies?

Bree: We are gong to Six Flags as last time Lay didn't to go and Joe is coming too.

Auntie: Okay dears, Have a nice day.... See you later! (Blows Kisses) And Lay, Here is a phone so that you can contact us when you are alone.

Lay: Thanks Auntie! Love you!

Auntie: Your Welcome Darling Bye! (she leaves)

Bree: Are you Ready? (Smirking)

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