Just the Beginning

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We pulled up into TacoBell because Ray Ray was crying how he was dying for some tacos, so we all agreed to get to Tacobell just to satisfy him. We grabbed some tables and pushed them together so that everyone could sit together. I was sat in the middle, i guess because they wanted to know more about me. Roc and Bahja sat either side of while Breunna, Zonnique and Princeton sat in front everyone else sat at the sides.

Ray: So what did you study in School?( trying to build conversation before biting into his one of many tacos)

Lay: I studied History, Spanish, Religion and Philosophy, English, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Sociology like your Social Science

Issa: Well you are really smart then because that is a lot of writing and essay work

Lay: You could say that but my favorite subject is and always will be Mathematics

Bahja, Zonnique, Ray, Roc and I all high fived each other

We continue to conversant and finished eating our food but it was still early.

Lay: I guess it is time for me to go

Bahja: Hell no, we just started to get to know each other plus we are going back to Zonnique's house to chilax and hang out some more and YOU are coming! (smiling as she dragged me to the car)

Zonnique's House

Lay: I know that Miss Tiny and Mr T.I are your parents..... Will they be okay with me coming into their home? I don't want to be rude.

Star: It's okay and plus my parents are going to love you like we do already. Right guys?

Everyone cheesed at me which made me feel more comfortable.Then we heard Miss Tiny calling everyone downstairs

Tiny: Hey y'all! Wait who is this pretty young lady here?(referring to me as she walked up to look at me properly)

Roc jumped up to answer her

Roc: This is my Girl-Friend Laylani

Tiny: Shut up Roc, I know this isn't your girlfriend as she is way too pretty for you

Everyone began to laugh including myself and Roc.

He walked by to his seat not before saying

Roc: She was blushing earlier when i called her that therefore I got her as mine already. (smiling real hard as Miss Tiny)

Bahja stepped in

Bahja: Roc is way over himself. Actually I bumped into her at Six Flags today and when we were apologizing to each other, we just clicked in an instant and now we are here. Friends!

Tiny: That is so sweet better that Roc's story but that is really nice the y'all clicked like that, not many people find that bond with people. You and Pretty Miss Laylani are going to be great friends!

 (Her phone rings and she answers, when she hangs up she announced that she has to leave but will come back later. She told everyone goodbye before leaving)

We grabbed a few snacks and went back upstairs

Bahja:(whispering) Come on lets pull a prank on them.I will get Issa, Zonnique you will attack Ray, Dollface will be prank Jacob and Laylani you will have Roc

We all nodded in agreement and went downstairs to grab some ice cold water bottles. As we approached the door, we counted to three before running in. The boys were frightened as they were under attack but as soon as the bottles were empty, the chase was on. I can run very fast that didn't mean Roc wasn' close behind me. I ran into the garden looking for a place to hide, before i could run off again, Roc grabbed me and we both fell into the pool. As we climbed out Everyone was rolling on the floor laughing. At first I was annoyed but began to laugh also, suddenly Roc grabbed me from behind, squeezing so i would continue to laugh. Bahja took out her phone and took a picture of us.

Bahja: Aww look at you. This picture is too cute, Imma post it on Instagram, do you mind?

I didn't mind but I looked to see if Roc had a problem because he isn't an ordinary person, He is a celebrity and famous.

Roc: Go ahead and I'm gonna re-post it later because right now I'm soaking wet to touch my phone

Bahja: What about you Layla?

Lay: I don't mind as long as it doesn't cause any problems, I'm cool!

Bahja: What problems?............ Ohh yeah #TeamMindless or #TeamOMG issues. Its OK, We'll deal that. What's your Instagram name? You got one right?

Lay: Yeah its @truly_misfit_

Princeton: Misfit like me

Lay: Well yass, you did inspire me to be a misfit so Yes Princeton just like you

We high Fived and began laughing at how crazy we were

Zonnique gave me some fresh new clothes since mine were wet and the girls decided to do my hair since that was ruined as-well. When they were finished, i walked out of the dressing room.

Roc: Wow you look nice but it wasn't like you weren't beautiful before.

I blushed again and looked in the mirror. I didn't realize they gave me a mini makeover

Lay: Thank you Roc and Thank you Girls, I really like it

We group hugged but as we released each other my phone rang and I knew it was time to go

Lay:(Answering) Hello Auntie..... Umm yeah it has been Great...... Yeah and i made new friends....... Ok I'm coming home now..... Ok Bye.

Bahja: Time for you to Go?

Lay: Its.....(looking for a clock) 9:50pm. I guess it's getting late so I have to get going.

Doll: We are taking you home so let's get you things together before we leave. Who's coming to drop Layla home?

Everyone jumped up and began to get ready. Instantly I felt the love from everyone that they really did care about me and wanted to be actual good friends not just fan friends.

We went downstairs so that i could say goodbye to everyone and see you later before leaving.

As we pulled up to the street i had to call Bree as we lived in a gated community so she had to open the gate.

When we pulling up, I asked everyone to come in to meet My aunt and uncle. After half an hour everyone left not without giving me their number so that we could message each other later. As I began to walk upstairs, a message popped up from Mr.Roc Royal

Doublerbandz: I didn't get my goodnight hug

Laughing i replied back to him

UniqueAmor: I didn't know I was suppose to give you one. You didn't ask, Sorry

Doublerbandz: Its Ok, tomorrow I want a good morning hug and kiss

UniqueAmor: HAHAHAHA you are hella funny, I didn't know where you mouth has been plus i don't kiss ramdon people, Sorry

DoublerBandz: We'll see about that tomorrow, but GoodNight Beautiful, cant wait to see you again

UniqueAmor: GoodNight and who says I'm seeing you again

DoublerBandz: You'll see GoodNight

UniqueAmor: Night

I replied to everyone else's message and when on Instagram to view other pictures. I remember Bahja has posted a picture earlier of me and Roc, it had thousands of like and some bad comment but majority of them were great and cute. I went from 10k followers to 50k in a few hour. The whole group followed me also but i already followed them so i didn't follow back. I saw that Roc had re-posted the picture like he said he would and captioned it ~ I met this Beautiful girl today and she bought light into my life, She's apart of my click now and I know we are going to share some great memories together. Everyone follow our new girl Laylani @truly_misfit_. This boy just knows how to make a girl smile. I rested my phone on the bedside table and rolled over happy before going to sleep.

This is going to be an unforgettable holiday to remember!!!

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