Chapter 1:When two worlds collide once more!

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3rd POV:

Location: Solinia (4 months after Blaze returned home: in Solinian time since time on Dragnalia is much faster than time on Seto's planet)

'Are you sure this will be a good idea? Letting the humans see what has been hidden and sacred to us for so very long?'

' Of course... if she trusts them, then why shouldn't we?.'

' I know she trusts them but, she's been around them longer than us!'

'She is our Princess! If she can trust a human let alone a whole group, then we can too! Exclusively due to the fact she trusts almost no one outside of Solinia and those she does; they had to work to gain that trust and respect.'

'Okay... I see it your way now and you're right, I just wonder what they did for her to trust them so much without so much as hesitating?'

Location: Seto's world 2 weeks later.... (in the time of their world)

"Seto, where are we going?" Mokuba asked sitting in the backseat of his brother's Blue eyes White jet.

"Nowhere in particular, I just need to get out for a while..." Seto replies to his younger brother.

"Oh. Then why am I here? Not that I wouldn't want to be around you, Seto." Mokuba said shaking his hands in a side to side motion in front of him.

"It's better than being alone with my thoughts right now. Other than that, you're almost always with me when we go places anyhow." Seto answers him, struggling to keep himself from looking away and to focus on the sky before him to keep from overthinking about 4 months ago.

Throughout the time the Kaiba brothers were talking, the Blue Dragon's fang necklace on Mokuba's neck begins to glow softly though not enough for him or his older brother to notice.

"Hello? Can....hear....if....please and.....need..." Mokuba then hears an unfamiliar female voice from out of no where.

'Huh? Who is that? I can't quite make out what they're saying.' Mokuba thinks to himself, face contorting at the inaudible speech.

"Mokuba, is everything okay back there?" His older brother asks staring at his younger brother with some concern.

"I'm fine, Seto, it was nothing." Mokuba told him since he was unsure what happened himself.

Meanwhile, that same day...

Yugi and Joey were dueling in the middle of Domino that had happened to draw a crowd of people interested to see that the King of Games was dueling again after 2 weeks.

Halfway into the duel however, Yugi had happened to draw the one card from his deck that Blaze had given to him: The Crystal Dark Magician.

'The Crystal Dark Magician! Just what I needed.....Huh? Hmm, Blaze.... I wonder if we'll be able to see her again...' Yugi thought solemnly.

Yugi then makes his move and ends his turn allowing Joey to draw his next card which by some chance ended up drawing the Duel monsters card Blaze gave to him: The Red eyes Solinian Dragon.

'Oh, Wow! Would you look at dat! I just happened to draw dat awesome Red eyes Solinian Dragon card...Blaze....gave to me 2 weeks ago...' Joey thought staring at the Crystal-Diamond Duel monsters card he just drew with sadness at the remembrance of his friend that gave it to him.

Both duelists at that moment glance up to each other to see that both ends have the same expression as the other, both realizing they had drawn their most rare and precious cards though neither one of them ceasing the duel and continuing nonetheless.

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