The Player
Chapter 2
Smooth move
"... and Mum and Dad expect us to do what he always wants!" I complained, unwrapping the snicker bar from it's dull wrapper and breaking it into halfs.
"What's so bad about that?" my friend Charlotte questioned, taking a piece from my hand, and nibbling on it.
"Well, it's not the fact that he's the most annoying brother on this planet, it's the fact that they never ask me what I want." I explained as-a-matter-of-factly.
Charlotte swings her legs over, onto the wall and crosses them, watching me slyly.
"What?" I frown.
"We-e-e-ll..." she drawls, "You have to see it from your parents point of view, I mean, it's like you said. Ash is going off to Uni in September, they'll obviously miss their first born, right?"
I sighed. What was it with everyone taking Ash's side.
"Yeah? Well it's a bit suspicious don't you think? That they've never paid the slightest bit of attention to me," I suggest sarcastically.
Charlotte opens her mouth to speak, but the school bell rings overhead, signalling next period.
Oh well. Complaining about HIM wasn't gonna change a thing.
When the bell rang its final time at half three, I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. The walk home wasn't so bad. The weather was constantly changing in England and today it was deciding to be a little sunny.
I dropped by at the Select & Save and brought myself a Mars Bar and Transform-a-snack crisp packet. I was glad that there was only a couple of weeks left till Summer, providing the fact that there was only three, due to my work experience in July.
I rounded the corner of the street and crossed over to the semi-detached house at the opposite end. The victorian house was surrounded with a wooden entry, and beyond that were dusty grey slabs with weeds growing thought the broken cracks.
My house.
"Hey Danny!" Mrs Ralph, my neighbour called.
I waved back,
"Hey Ma'am!"
Mrs Ralph smiled with satisfaction.
I made my way up the path and searched for my keys.
Where were they?
I knelt down on the step and unzipped my bag, emptying the contents within. No key. Oh fuck! What the hell was I going to do. Mum wasn't due home for another two hours because of her book club. And Dad was at work.
Looks like I was going to have to wait.
"Smooth move, Dan!" Ash yelled happily. Dude, sometimes I wondered if he was a sadist. My pain? His pleasure.
"Don't you start" I grumbled, "I've just been waiting here for half an hour for you to arrive."
Ash stepped out of his car- an old Jeep Wrangler- and walked upto me.
"Ever heard of knocking?"
I scrunched my brows.
"You dimwit!" seriously, my disses sucked majorly. "And who's supposed to open the door?"
He smirked.
"Mum of course!" He chirped, "Her book club was cancelled so she stayed home for the day,"
GOD! I give up.
The Player
Short Story"You're going Uni in September," I started, "not dying on me." His face immediately fell and a hurtful look flashed across his now angry eyes. Never thought I would live to see the day when Ash Miller would get all serious on me. "Never kid about...