I Fell In Love With Four Guys and They Arent Exactly Human; Chapter 1

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Well here I was again in Leyland high school as a sophomore. It's been 3 months since school started and I was already being picked on. I really daren't mind getting picked on I was quite used to it by now. Ever since freshmen year I have been picked on by a lot of people. Your probably thinking that I'm a weakling right? Well you're wrong. I can defend myself perfectly but I made a promise to my parents to use my special skills as a last resort. School was really easy for me maybe because I already finish high school but nobody knew that. My parent's home schooled me and I finished all the high school material by the age of 15. I also got my high school diploma. I'm an A student at school but I don't care much about school I wish I could drop out but my aunt makes me come even though I don't have to. The teachers already know I have my diploma so they don't bother me about homework. Actually if it were up to them they will kick me out of school but no. They like it when I don't come to school because they don't have to bother with me. Funny huh?  

I was in first period when Ms. Zodiac stopped the class as somebody knocked on the door. She stepped outside to talk to whoever knocked on the door. She walked back in and got everybody's attention.  

"Okay class we have new students today. Please come in?"  

I daren't bother to look up and kept on drawing on my notebook. I heard footsteps then everybody in the room gasped. I looked up to see what was going on. Then I saw four amazingly gorgeous guys in front of the classroom.  

"Please introduce yourselves." Ms. Zodiac  

"Hello I'm Hero Knight and I'm seventeen years old." He had light blonde hair with brown blue eyes. He was around 6'3 and had some muscles but not too much. Actually they were all in good shape. The guy next to him stepped up and introduced himself.  

"Hey I'm Arrow Knight and I am also 17 years old and I love animals." He said with a smile. He had dark brown hair that was kind of messy. His eyes were also dark and looked warm and kind. He was around 6'1 tall. He stepped back then another guy took one step to the front.  

"Hi I'm Jasper and I love it when it rains." He said with a small smile. You could barely hear him as he introduce himself. By looking at his gray eyes you could tell that he was blind. His hair was light brown and parted to the right of his face. The guy at the end stepped forward and looked at everyone with a smirk on his face.  

"My name is Rhyder Knight." He somehow looked like the rebel type of guy. His black midnight hair made his blue eyes pop out. It looked like Rhyder and Jasper where about the same height 6'2.  

"Thank you. Now you can take the empty seats if you please."Ms. Zodiac said. For my bad stupid back luck the desk around me where empty. I thought that I was lucky being the loser of the school. Nobody will ever seat next to me in every class. I never expected it to come hit me in the face. You are probably asking yourself why it's so bad that the new guys are going to be seating next to me right. Well from where I'm seating I can see at least ten girls glaring at me and one of them is Brenda. Great.  

The guys walked towards the empty seats. Arrow I think was leading Jasper to the desks to my right. Hero was in front of me. Rhyder was to my left and Arrow and Jasper where to my right. Thank god I was in the back row. I wouldn't like to feel eyes burning holes on my back. I felt kind of weird surrounded by them like a bunny surrounded by wolfs.  

"Okay kids I'm going to go somewhere so Mr. Yung is going to be watching you for a while. Behave." Ms. Zodiac. Well that's I shocker. Ha not really. Ms. Zodiac always leaves in the middle of class. Her class is pretty easy actually in each semester there's the grand project. All you have to do is get an A on it and you pass the semester. It was going to be a while till class ended. First period was a block class which means that you stay in class for two hours. I was starting to feel kind of awkward being surrounded by people.  

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