Call Me Maybe

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Michael looked all around the artrooms with no sight of seeing Amani or Nina.

'This doesn't make any sense. I'm getting worried that they've been abducted by someone. If only...' Michael was getting more upset that he felt a sudden tears rolling down his cheek.

"Are you okay, sir?" A girl who looked about 12 or 14 asked.

"I'm not exactly sure little one. My two friends disappeared and I'm worried. "He choked a bit as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Cheer up, they can't be gone for sure." She assured by giving him a hug.

"I guess your right. What's your name?" Michael asked.

"I'm Tina. You?"

"I'm Michael. Say Tina, would you like to come to my mansion with me? As a visit? "Michael asked.

"Sure." Both of them went off to Neverland Ranch getting to know one another.

"So they're your friends since they were 13?" Tina asked.

"Yeah,  we've been like that ever since." Michael sighed remembering all the good memories.

"Where are they now?" She asked.

Michael paused for a moment and was smiling to see a curious girl ask him about that. They are from the future, of course. But, it will get them into a lot of trouble if he slip it out of his mouth.

"Uh...They are another place around the world." He lied.

"Okay. How about call me maybe if your lonely." She said as he smiled.

"I would like that very much." He said smiling.

"Hey, can we go on the Ferris wheel? "Tina asked.

"Yeah. Come on!" He beckon her to get on the enjoying ride with him.

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