Chapter 32

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So , I have writers block . I had to think a lot about this chapter .. A lot .. 😂if there is not something you like In this chapter , please don't comment ..


We walked into the restaurant , and took our seats . We were breathlessly laughing , at each-other .

" Now THAT was fun .." Callie said

" Yea , let's do it on our way back ! " Nash suggested

" We'll see , I have to eat first , that's all I'm focused on " I said .

We picked up menus and examined them .

The waitress came to our table . She had Long brown hair , and blue color touch-up , she had her makeup caked on , she had on her long black pants , her apron , and like , 9 inch stilettos .

" I'll have a dr . Pepper " I said

" coke " Callie said

" iced tea " Hayes said

" Do you guys have lemonade ? " nash asked .

" one lemonade " she said

" how do you know , I wanted one ?

" I just figured , you asked " she argued back , putting a hand on her hip .

" fine sence you already wrote it down , I'll have some " he said , rolling his eyes .

I looked over at Hayes , and tried to hide my laugh . I looked at Callie & she was silently laughing .

" no , what do you want " she said

" just keep the lemonade " Nash said , shooing her away

" no "

" yes , now leave "

She walked away , rolling her eyes , and when she did , Callie busted out laughing , me and Hayes did too .
Nash was still making a joke of it , still pretending to be mad .

" Wh-ha-hattt " he said through his laugher . ( imagine it 😍 )

We were done laughing , I sniffed and wiped my tear . I let out a few more giggles , and got a serious face .

Nash was laughing , and the girl walked back to our table with the drinks , Nash smile , very quickly turned to a frown .

" one coke " she said putting it near Callie .

" one tea " near Hayes

" one dr.pepper " next to me

" and one , not wanted , lemonade " she said with a snotty attitude .

- skipping dinner -

We got up , after paying the bill , and walked outside .

We had our fingers intertwined , me and Hayes .

The cold nighttime breeze , hit us .

I took a deep breath , and we ran to the front deck . We reached the front of the boat , Callie & Nash right next to us .

We looked out into the moon shining on the water .

All we could here were waves , behind us .

I was looking out into the water , and my eye , caught something .

Something very hard to see ..
Something ..
Something ..
Something ..
Bad ..


Next chapter is the last , I have found out what I want to do in it , & how I want it to end . Before-hand , I hope you loved this book , and headsup , you might cry next chapter , if you're into this book .

I'm sorry it's going to end like it will .. But not every story has a happy ending ..

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~~ Kori . 😍💋👋

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