Chapter Fifteen

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Ok really quick and random question... does anyone else have a hard time reading a story in third person? I don't know why but I just can't do it lol idk ok happy reading (:

I woke up, not because of the sun shining too brightly in my room or my alarm blaring off somewhere, wherever my phone was. No. I woke up because the feeling of being crushed will do that to you.

My eyes opened and Alex was pretty much on top of me, his arm secured around my waist. I was laying on my back and I looked to the side to see the edges of the air mattress raised around us. The damn thing must've had a hole and deflated partially while we were sleeping.

I turned to my side, but that back fired. It felt as if I was on a water bed all while trying to get out of quick sand.

Those are not very good combinations.

But luckily for Alex, he apparently sleeps like the dead and was unphased by the motion of the air mattress raising and and sinking every time I moved.

I let a string of curse words out as I literally rolled off the damn thing and landed on the ground with a thud. I stood up and adjusted my shirt that had slightly risen up.

Well that was an interesting way to wake up.

I looked over at alex and covered my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. He was sound asleep, laying in the middle of the almost deflated mattress. The edges were raised around him as he continued sleeping.

After gathering a change of clothes from my suitcase, I walked over to my door quietly, but looked back once to more to his sleeping state. We wouldn't have moments like today or yesterday once we left my
home. Everything would go back to how it was and only the deal that brought us together would be the main focus.

I closed my door behind me and went to use the bathroom across the hall so I wouldn't make too much noise to wake him. It was six am and we had to leave at eight for our flight back to New York. I wasn't ready to go back, but it was time. The time I spent here was nice and enough to carry me through until the holidays

I washed my face and brushed my teeth before putting in my makeup and putting my hair in a pony tail. I didn't feel like actually styling it, especially since the humidity of New York would frizz it out anyway.

I walked out and went back in the room to see Alex still sleeping. I bent down slightly and tried to tap his shoulder to wake him. He remained unmoving.

He might really be dead...

I shook his shoulder with a little more firmness. "Alex," nothing.

"Alex, wake up." I said, my voice above a whisper at this point.

Still nothing.

I rolled my eyes and shook him more. "Get your ass up." I said louder and when even that didn't do the trick, I began standing on the spots that had air to move his body even more.

With a loud groan, his eyes opened as he was being jostled around by the mattress of doom. "Ugh stop," he groggily demanded, his morning voice raspy and low.

"Come on, we have to leave in an hour." I crossed my arms over my chest.

He turned to face me, his handsome face had a lazy smile while his eyes looked up at me with amusement. "I think a kiss would really motivate me to get up."

The smug bastard.

I jumped once more on the air pocket, sending him off the mattress and onto the floor. "Fine, no kiss." He grumbled as he lifted himself off the floor. He stood up and started stretching, every muscle flexing nearly making me drool.

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