Chapter Twenty Eight

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Hello this is 911, what's your emergency?
Me: Hi yeah I have writer's block help

GUYS idk why but this chapter took so so long to write. It may not seem like it, but most of the previous chapters were written probably two months before this one. BUT WHATEVER BECAUSE I DID IT. Lol I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! ALSO I kind of changed the way I imagine Anastasia a bit? Probably because of the name, but I basically picture her as Dakota Johnson. Besides I was looking at the girl I had in mind before but like idk she just doesn't fit the part anymore for me. Ok but yeah so that's her above! ❤️❤️


The door swung open and Diana was standing there, looking between me and the bag that was in my hand. "Come in," She stepped aside and I walked past her into the house.

"Thanks for—"

"I knew you two wouldn't be good together." She said as she shut the door. Turning back towards me, Diana has a hint of a smile on her lips.

I bit my tongue to not say anything that'd give me away. "I'm going to put this upstairs," I walked up the stairs and as I got to the top, I nearly lost my balance as a toy helicopter came diving down towards my head. I quickly swatted it away and it landed on the floor with a thud and the top wings slowing down

"Hey," I heard a whiney voice.

I looked up to see Collin standing by his bedroom door scowling. "Sorry," I muttered.

His eyebrowas were furrowed as he stormed over to grab his now broken toy. "You broke the wing." He whined, sending a glare my way.

He's just like his father.

His face was a strong resemblance to Dimitri, but maybe he would be different. It makes me feel uneasy at the thought of another Dimitri in the world. Especially since I'd actually be related to him. My mom wasn't much a parent, clearly. Most likely Collin's closest thing to a parent would be the maid.

"It's not broken." I said, setting my bag down before examining the toy. He complained when I took it from him. I tweaked one of the parts and pushed the button on his controller and vuala it started working again. "Here," I handed it back to him.

"Thanks." He muttered before going back to his room

I went to the room I'll be staying in and set my bag down. The second I entered the house I wanted to run back to Alex, but I especially felt that way now. I checked my phone and smiled when I saw the ten texts he'd sent me. They were all saying that he missed me and that this is still a terrible idea. Now that I'm here I'm starting to think he's right. Either way I've got to go through with it. Finding actual evidence against him is our only way out of this situation.

An hour or so went by and there was a knock on the door. It slowly opened and a maid I didn't recognize walked in. She was younger, maybe a little older than I was. Her blonde hair was tied back into a bun and he uniform dress was shorter than any maid I'd seen.

"Dinner is ready, ma'am." I nearly cringed at her calling me ma'am.

"Okay... Where's Milly?" I asked. I didn't see her when I walked in either.

"She was... dismissed." She said with a sad expression "I'm Annabelle and happy to help you with whatever you may need." With that she shut the door. Dismissed? They fired her. I can't believe it. She'd been here since they first got married.

I went downstairs and into the large dining room where Dimitri, Diana, and Collin sat. They weren't saying anything, just sitting there eating their meal.

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