Arrows Fly

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(Before you begin to read, I just want to let you know that the reader will be Link's twin sister with brown hair and blue eyes. If you don't want brown hair and blue eyes, just pretend you have a different hair and eye color of your choosing. It's all about imagination. The reader's weapon will be a bow called the Master Bow (Ancient like the Master Sword and same color as the sword). Anyway, in the one shot, this will mostly be when the reader and Link remembers Revali by having a flashback like when Link did in the game but, it will show the reader remembering it instead. Now, enjoy the one shot and don't forget to let me know if you think there should be a part 2 or more.)

Bow she uses now: Soldiers Bow

(Reader's p.o.v.)

Link and I walked across some of the bridges during the night sky before we saw what it looked like some kind of village. It looked so familiar but, my memory was like a puzzle missing some pieces and same thing for Link. All I knew that, Link is my twin brother and Calamity Ganon was planning on taking over Hyrule once more. As we walked, I asked, "Link, do you think we might of been to this village before?" "Possibly. But, both our minds are kinda blank of our memories.", he replied. I nodded and said, "Maybe once we look around before finding the Divine Beast, something might remind us of something to remember." He nodded in agreement and said, "All we know that a race called the Rito live here so, it must be called Rito Village." We then saw a Rito guard and walked up to him. The guard said noticing us, "Hmm? Some travelers at this hour? I'd like to show you two around, but now's not really a good time." I asked politely, "Where are we?" He looked towards me and replied, "This is Rito Village, but...Well, you could say we're not in a welcoming mood. Talk to the folks in the village to hear all about it. Any other questions?" Link then asked, "What's going on?" The guard looked up and motioned us to look up and we did to see something huge flying in the sky. "Did you see the beast in the sky? That's Divine Beast Vah Medoh. It showed up a while back. The Rito warriors who flew up to check it out were shot down. They say it used to be a divine being that protected the village, but it doesn't seem very divine to me. Thankfully, the thing only shoots at anything flying high up above the village. But is pretty demoralizing for us Rito to have to fly so low to the ground. Any other questions?", the guard replied before looking back at us. I shook my head and said, "No, there is no more questions that we have in mind. Thank you and we shall head into the village." He nodded and replied, "Don't let me keep you two." We then headed up the steps and as we walked, I spotted a clothing store then said spotting warm looking clothing, "Hey, Link. Let's check these clothes really quick before we continue our way up the stairs." He shrugged and said, "Sure. Let's take a look." We then walked in the store to see what the store is selling.

(Time skip to where they are going to talk to the Rito elder while wearing the Rito garb)

We walked into the elder's home and the elder said seeing us stand in front of him, "Ah, some visitors. Welcome to.........Oh. OH! That object on the young man's hip...could it be...Forgive me. Where are my manners? I am Kaneli, elder of Rito Village. *looks towards Link* Now that not a Sheikah Slate dangling from your hip?" Link nodded saying, "That's right." "That means you and the young lady here must be two Champions like Master Revali--one of the few able to board Divine Beast Vah Medoh!", Kaneli said to us happily but then muttered to himself, "No...What am I thinking? The Champions have all been dead for 100 years. This boy and girl must be a mere inheritors of the Sheikah Slate." Revali...why is that name so familiar like I've had heard that name before. But who is Revali? I snapped back to reality when I heard the elder say to us, "Ah, forgive me...Champion descendants...if you two would listen to this old man's request, you two would have my eternal gratitude." I smiled and said, "We'll listen." "Thank you. Truly. Now that I know you two have the bloods of the champion, there is something I must ask of you two. How shall I put this...I would like you two to deal with Divine Beast Vah Medoh. The giant beast circling above us. Only two chosen ones, both a champion, can stop a Divine Beast. You two must enter the beast and bend it to your two's will. I tried explaining this to the more headstrong Rito warriors, but they wouldn't listen to reason. Teba and Harth tried to confront Medoh, but it did not go well, and Harth was injured. Teba escaped unscathed, but I fear he now plans to face Medoh alone. As the descendants of the champions, perhaps you two can help us. Please. Find Teba. If you work together, you two may be able to stop Divine Beast Vah Medoh." We nodded and made our way out. Then we saw Saki, who we talked to earlier, we entered her home and she said, "Forgive my intrusion, but I overheard you two speaking with the elder. It sounds like you two intend to help my husband, Teba, in the fight against Medoh. But to tell the truth, there is not much I can do for you two right now beyond telling you two where my husband went." I asked, "Where did he go?" "Well...My husband headed to a place called the Flight Range. It's in Dronoc's Pass at the base of the Hebra Mountains. It's a place where Rito warriors prepare for aerial combat...I imagine he's gone there to gather weapons for another run at Medoh. As it happens, he made his way to the Flight Range on foot this time." We then looked out the window and she added, "If you two take off from Revali's Landing, it's a straight shot down to the Flight Range. Revali's Landing is a memorial for the Rito Champion, Revali...So named in the hope that none might forget the events of that horrible rumor has it that when he was still alive like the other champions, he had fallen in love with the appointed knight's twin sister." Wait a minute.....the only one that was the appointed knight's twin sister....was me. But, Revali really had feelings for me? Link and I didn't listen to what the Rito said as we continue to stare at the Revali's Landing like we are slowly started to remember something. Suddenly, my eyes widen in realization as I received a flashback as I remembered why is was so familiar.

*Flashback of 100 years ago at Revali's Landing*

Link and I stood at the landing as we watched the flying divine beast flew above the village. I walked closer to the edge and placed my hands on the wooden railing as I said in amazement at the divine beast, "Whoa..." Then we felt the strong wind pick up and I backed up quickly until I was standing besides Link. We looked up to see Revali twirl in the air above us then landed carefully on the railing and he said, "Impressive, I know. Very few can achieve a mastery of the sky. Yet I have made an art of creating an updraft that allows me to soar. It's considered to be quite the masterpiece of aerial techniques even among the Rito." I rolled my eyes with a smile and said, "It does sound very impressive, Master Revali. But, even with the divine beasts and the guardians, I still can't help but think this will be still a hard battle against Calamity Ganon." He replied with a wink towards me, "With proper utilization of my superior skills, I see no reason why we couldn't easily dispense with Ganon." I blushed a bit and turned my head away so he couldn't see it but, he smirked a little meaning he already saw me blushing. He then turned to Link and said as he hopped down then walking over behind us a little, "Now then, my ability to explore the firmament is certainly of note..." He then stood besides me saying as he put a hand behind my back making me blush at the contact, "But let's not--pardon me for being so blunt--let's not forget the fact that I am the most skilled archer of all the Rito." "We know that you are the best archer of the village and we are glad to have you help fight Ganon when he appears. There is no reason to brag about it.", I replied. He whispered as he leaned almost a little closer with another wink, "To you, there is a reason I do so." Then he leaned away and said as he walked in front of us, "Yet despite these truths, it seems that I have been tapped to merely assist you and your sister. All because you happen to have that little darkness-sealing sword on your back and she has the darkness-sealing bow on her back which I do find her weapon very interesting." I raised a brow and asked, "What do you mean by his sword?" "I mean, it's just...asinine.", he replied making Link to glare at him a little and I sighed. Revali must of noticed Link's glare cause he said, " think you can prove me wrong? Maybe we should just settle this one on one?" He puts his hand under his chin saying before motioning to the divine beast above, "But where...? Oh, I know! How about up there?!" We looked up and I said as I looked back at him, "You do remember that he doesn't have any wings like the Rito to fly up there, right?" He then said to me as he teased Link a little, "Oh, you must pardon me. I forgot he has no way of making it up to that divine beast on his own!" Revali then flew up to the air and yelled down, "Good luck sealing the darkness and take good care of yourself out there, (Y/N)!" I waved goodbye to him and yelled back, "Same to you, Revali!" He smiled and waved back then flew up to his divine beast. I turned back to Link and saw him staring where Revali took off too. I walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder saying, "Don't worry about him teasing you, Link. Once you get to know him, he isn't all that bad. I think he just a little jealous of you being the big hero with carrying the master sword." He nodded and smirked a little before he asked, "Is it possible that you have a crush on Revali?" My eyes widen and said while blushing a little, "NO!......Maybe." He points towards my faced saying, "You're lying. You are blushing and that would mean you DO have a crush on him." "You're not mad are you? Since he teases you a lot.", I said while looking away fearing he may not like me falling for Revali. He shook his head with a smile and said, "No, I'm not mad. I think I can get used to him if he starts bugging me again."

*Flashback ends*

I gasped as my eyes came back open startled while snapping back to reality. The lady Rito said snapping us out of it since Link was out of it too, "Descendants! Descendants! Are you two all right? My apologies...I fear I have said far too much...If there is anything you do not understand, please do not hesitate to ask." I nodded and said, "We will. Thank you, Saki." I then faced towards the Revali Landing again. It was strange that as soon I saw the flashback, I remembered so suddenly of Revali from 100 years ago and...remembered having feelings for him too. The very thought of it made me feel more sad the more I think about it. I just wished that I had lived so I could tell Revali of how I feel for him or...him telling me his feelings for me.

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