Arrows Fly (Finale)

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(Reader's p.o.v.)

Link and I walked inside to see what it looked like almost like a heart. Link had the Master Sword on his back while I carried my Master Bow on my own back as we felt ready to face Calamity Ganon once and for all that we should of done 100 years ago. It shook a little and suddenly, a light shined inside of it and knew that it was Zelda trying to hold back Ganon but, her power looked like it was getting exhausted. I looked up in worry and hoped that she was alright. Zelda had become like a sister to me 100 years ago and she thought the same. We then heard her voice say to us, "...Link...(Y/N)...I'm sorry...but my power isn't strong enough...I can't hold him..." As soon the light faded, a bright blue light laser shot out and moved all over the place. It almost hit us but Link made sure we wouldn't get hit by getting in front of me protectively. Then the laser disappeared and lights appeared before it looked like the heart thing was going to open up. It shook for a few moments and suddenly, a big ugly monster fell out of it then landed hard on the ground causing the floor to break. The ground collapsed and the three of us fell way down below. I gave a loud yell as Link and I fell but then stopped when we opened our Paragliders so we wouldn't fall to our deaths as Ganon landed on the ground harshly. Link and I glided over him to see he was HUGE than we thought he would be up close. We both carefully on the ground and put away our Paragliders so we could get ready to face Ganon. Ganon turned around and saw us looking at him ready for battle. He stood up to his full height and roared at us in anger.

Calamity Ganon: Scourge of Hyrule Castle

I looked towards Link and he looked towards me to see I looked a bit scared and had the look of fear for our lives. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently as he said, "Do not fear, (Y/N). We WILL get through this. Together." I looked at him for a few more moments and nodded with a now brave look before I said, "Together." We both looked towards back at Calamity Ganon and he roared at us again as he got ready to make his move to destroy us. I softly said knowing it's time, "Alight,'s finally time to unleash your attacks on Ganon."

(3rd's p.o.v.)

(I love the theme song for this part where the Divine Beasts finally blast their large lasers at Ganon and the choir sounded so PERFECT for the part! So AWESOME! I'm like: Bring the rain! Since the music and choir makes you feel more determined to fight Calamity Ganon!)

Revali stood on top of Medoh and sensed that it was time to help destroy Ganon once and for all. He said, "Now my moment has finally come. Brace yourself, Ganon, for the sting of my revenge and for what you've done to my beloved (Y/N)!" Medoh quickly made a blue orb and shot out it's huge blue blast towards Ganon. Revali hoped and believe that (Y/N) would make it through the battle to be able to see her again when it's over.

Mipha had sensed it too next and said before forming her hands telling the Divine Beast to fire, "This will be our final opportunity. We will not fail!" Ruta created the same orb and unleashed it's full blast at Calamity Ganon next.

Daruk knew it was finally time and said as he pounded his fists feeling determined to finish the job, "Let's go, little guys! Now! Open wide, Ganon!" Rudania suddenly made the same orb and released it's powerful blast towards Ganon next.

Urbosa sensed it too and said with her arms crossed, "A hundred years in the making...Hold on, Princess and (Y/N). Our moment has arrived!" She snapped her fingers and Naboris made the same orb before unleashing it's full blast towards Ganon to help finish the job.

(Reader's p.o.v.)

Ganon was about to attack us but, we suddenly saw a faint blue light and looked up to see what amazed both Link and I. Ganon noticed us looking at something and the light before looking up to see a large beam of blue light heading down right towards him! Alright, the other Champions unleashed their firepower from the Divine Beasts on Ganon! It suddenly started to hit Ganon and it screeched in pain as Link and I ducked from the large blast. I yelled to Link over the blast happily, "Link, it's weakening him! It's really working!" The blast was now gone and saw Ganon laying on the ground after getting an unexpected hit. He then stood up and roared at us feeling very angered by not expecting the attack on him. Link and I looked towards each other then nodded and turned back to our enemy and glared at him. Link draws his Master Sword and I draw my Master Bow while getting in a battle stance. His blade glowed a faint blue light and I pull back the string of my bow causing a faint blue glowing arrow to appear. I was so glad that this Master Bow would never run out of magical arrows and an arrow would appear every time I pulled back the string to launch one. Ganon got into his own battle stance...our battle was going to begin.

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