Ramen Craving

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Naruto's pov



I haven't...



Because i said no

I started grumbling while sasuke sighed frustrutingly. We have been arguing over the same thing almost everyday. Even after a month of my pregnancy, we are still going at it. Ever since sasuke took up tsunade's advice seriously, he has been very strict with me regarding my food, especially ramen. ''I mean, it's practically INSANE! One week for only 3 bowls...O.O...NO WAY! There were times when I tried to sneak in some into my office but sadly I was caught red-handed by my husband. It seems to be sasuke was keeping an on me 24/7, well...much more like stalking for me 24/7. dammit. See if you get any tonight bastard! ''I snarled at him''. ''Sasuke rolled his eyes'' Idiot we are not allowed to have sex until you deliver our child in case you forgot. ''Oh yeah, I forgot. Shit...I mentally cursed myself. After all, I am the first man to be pregnant in history so it's better not to take the risk. Like the cliche says ''better to be safe than sorry''. But sasuke, I'm hungry and craving for ramen now! ''I whined''. No, anything but ramen and that's it. ''Sasuke stated firmly and getting a bit annoyed by it. ''Sighing in defeat, I looked down with my blonde bangs covering my upset baby blue eyes. ''That's it, I had enough. This is going nowhere. ''I slowly turned around and disappeared out of sight without saying a single word. ''Sasuke just stood in the same spot and blinked in surprised. ''What? No outburst? No screaming? No yelling? No shouting? This is so un-naruto like. Sure, he can be calm and mature at times but this......''Sasuke suddenly felt a ping of pain and guilt in his heart maybe he has taken this to far...Before he knew is he was out the house already looking his beloved sunshine. ''At the hokage office''. I slumped down in my chair and ran my hand through my golden locks frustratingly. ''Stupid sasuke teme! what's wrong with him?. I mean, what can ramen do to our child or anything! I've been following his orders a month already and i'm SICK of it! NO ONE STANDS BETWEEN ME AND MY RAMEN, even my bastard husband! ''I pinched the my nose and heaved a long sigh. ''Part of me didn't want to blame sasuke because he knew sasuke was doing this for my own good. Sasuke has been nice enough to do almost everything for him while he just carried the in him. Heck, sasuke is even willing to do most of the cooking in the house! "However,he doesn't have the right to control over what i want to eat. I don't know what that old hag told him but he's taking it too serious about it! (sigh) There might be a way to get sasuke to surrender and let me have all the ramen i want. But what? ''I leaned further into my seat, I crossed my arms thinking hard. ''Suddenly, a brilliant came up in his mind. An evil grin appeared on my face as I rubbed my hands together. ''There's no way that bastard is going to get out of this one. Then there was a knock on my office door. "Naruto, are you in there? A familiar voice was heard. ''My grin widen. And the right to begin also. ''Sasuke didn't have a hard time finding me as he already knew where I would be whenever i'm upset or stressed. ''He slowly opened the door and gasped at the sight in front of him. "I was sitting on the table and crossed with my leg seductively over the other while leaning slightly backwards with both hands at the side to support my weight. "He also put on the sexiest smile that could simply make both sexes very aroused easily with just one look. "Sasuke held strongly an urge to jump on his sexy Naru-chan right then and ravish him on the spot. Despite how pregnant i was, in sasuke's eyes I am the most beautiful and sexiest person alive. "And he's all mine! Sasuke growled possessively. "Luckily something called him back to his senses and reminded him of what he came here for. ''Sasuke quickly got his mind of the gutter and straightened his composure. He took a big breathe and started explaining. Look naruto, about back there...I... he stopped at his words when suddenly naruto appeared in front of him. This amazed sasuke to no end. ''Whoa...h-how did he move this fast in his condition? ''It's ok sasuke...I forgive you. I whispered huskily in ear and circled my middle finger on his clothed chest. ''Sasuke groaned lowly. Oh how he missed my sexy voice and touches. I could feel his member twitch in participation. It's been more then a month since we sex and it's starting to drive him to the edge of insanity. But since he always wanted a child with me therefore he will do anything to have it even if it means giving up his sexual needs. I smirked and the bulged in his pants. Heh, thought so. ''My...my... sasuke, your already hard. I trailed my finger lower and lower almost there. Sasuke let out a harsh moan at his little hubby ministration. "N-no, I can't let him. For the sake of our happiness and our child. "Gaining control of himself,sasuke quickly grabbed my hand away from there and looked sternly at me. The next thing he knew, apair of soft lips pressed against his. "Sasuke immediately became lost at the moment. Part of him wanted to so badly to me back but he was afraid that he wouldn't hold himself back later. "However, when I nibbled and licked his lower lip at the same time moaning his name, Sasuke lost it. He grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me closer to deepen our kiss. Oh god, it's been such a long time since we kissed like this. "Sasuke devoured my mouth hungrily, tasting every single part of it. One of my hands slowly made it's way to sasuke's clothed member, making sasuke groaned in our heated kiss. "I pulled away slowly and smirked. I squeezed sasuke's gently, almost teasing him. "Na-naruto... sasuke moaned. Your so hard now, love... I whispered softly and gave another squeeze but harder this time. "Oh god, naruto... stop teasing me. sasuke groaned loudly. "I snickered inwardly; my plan was working very well indeed. now time to seal the deal. Sasuke...how about we make a deal here hmmm...? "Sasuke didn't like where this was going but he didn't care at the moment. He already held his sexual tension for far to long. And he really, really needed to release it now! W-what is it? He manger to utter out. I grinned and replied, I'll give you a blowjob anytime you ask...but proving you let me have all the ramen I want. So how about it sasuke? Sasuke thought about it for awhile. Sounds convincing enough, but... But what about your health, Tsunade-sama says you need to cut down on your junk food. Sasuke told me worriedly. Like hell ramen is going to affect my health. Come on, look at me! I'm as healthy as an ox! That old hag just wants to torture me only! There's no way ramen can harm our child either. I assured him. Sasuke however wasn't to sure about it. I shrugged and removed my hand away from sasuke's pants, much to sasuke's displeasure. I slowly turned my back on him once more. A wicked smirk on my face goes unnoticed by sasuke.  "Oh well, since you don't trust me, then i guess you have do it yourself for the next 8 months. Sasuke was stunned by those words. 8 more MONTHS?  what the FUCK!  He bit his lip at the thought of  it. SHIT! which one should i choose? Naruto's blowjob or Tsunade's advice's? Sasuke could feel a migraine coming on while making a decision. "while sasuke was still in deep thought, I pretended to walk back to my chair when suddenly  I felt a hand on my shoulder. Well, that was fast. I grinned inwardly. " Fine. you got yourself a deal. However, if you back down on your words...sasuke said. I never back down on my words  I turned around facing him. Because that's my ninja way. I said confidently. "Sasuke smiled and pulled me closer by my waist. maybe the deal wasn't so bad after all. I wrapped my arms around sasuke's neck pulling him closer. " So...now how about you taking me to Ichiraku for some ramen now hmm? Tsunade-sama, I thought you told sasuke to control eating especially his ramen? "Tsunade looked up at her assistant curiously, what do you mean shizune? said tusnade. I mean, I saw naruto eating at least 10 bowls of Ichiraku with sasuke beside him. Shizune answered. This made Tsunade wondered in surprise. How on earth did that brat manage to convince uchiha into having 10 bowls of ramen?  I thought sasuke only strictly allowed him to 3 bowls per week. Oh, if i'm mistaken, Sasuke had this weird smile on his that I couldn't even describe it Shizune continued. After fitting that information in, Tsunade finally got her answer she cursed silently. Stupid uchiha and his hormones. 

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