Chapter Nine.

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Kyndall's P.O.V

"Sam, it's okay... I promise. Just count to three and close your eyes." I spoke. I saw him slowly close his eyes. After his was shut, I shut mine. That's when I heard a gun shot. I opened my eyes expecting to be dead, but instead the guy who had the gun pressed up against my head was dead. A rush of relief was sent through my body as I looked up and I saw the gang.

"You guys okay?" Danny asked. He was holding the gun. I was never this happy to see him. I jumped up and ran to hug him.

"Thank you so much Danny." I said and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. We pulled apart and I ran to Sam. He was crying.

"I thought I was going to lose you." He cried as he tackled me into a hug. I held him as he cried harder. It broke my heart knowing I almost died today. I just never knew someone was so afraid of losing me.

"The next few days you may wanna stick with all of us. Not just one or two. I have a feeling those punks we let live will be back with more of their gang." Kenickie said.

"Who were those people?" I asked. The boys exchanged looks and none spoke.

"They are a rival gang... They have always been out to get us." Putzie finally said.

"But why did they try to kill Sam and I?"

"Before you moved here, one of their gang members jumped Sam bc he was in their territory... so, we heard screaming and ran to help because we were all close by in the auto body shop... when we got there, they had a gun to his head. Kenickie lunged and grabbed the guy with the gun. We strangled him until we got Sam out of there." Danny explained.

"Was he here today?" I asked. They all looked at each other.

"He was the one with the gun to your head..." Doody said. I looked at him. I started to feel faint. Soon, I fell backwards and hit the ground.

*Two Days Later*

I woke up in my room. Sam and Putzie were laying on both sides of me. Danny and Kenickie were sleeping in my beanbags chairs. Sonny was in my desk chair. Doody was cuddled up in like three blankets and with two pillows. I sat up and looked around.

'These boys really do care about me.' I smiled to myself and carefully got out of bed and walked around Doody. I opened my door and walked downstairs. I noticed a skinny figure sitting next to the table. Once I got a bit closer I realized it was Sandy.

"Why are you up this early?" I asked her considering its 4:18 in the morning.

"I couldn't sleep." She said taking a drink of her tea.

"Bad dream?" I asked sitting next to her.

"It was the nightmare I always have..." She trailed off.

"Talk to me about it."

"It was summer, we were at the beach. The tides were high because of a bad storm. We didn't care though. So, we ran out into the water. We didn't make it far. A big wave crashed over us. You were carried back to shore, but I was swept out further. Then I woke up." I know my sister and I don't get along but I understand bad dreams. I have grown up with them.

"It was a long time ago. You don't have to worry about it anymore."

"But it's still scary Kyn, what if I was never saved? I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be able to annoy my little sister. I wouldn't have met Frenchy, or Rizzo, or Danny!" She freaked out. I leaned over and hugged her.

"But you were saved. Danny saved you. I'm glad he did." I smiled. She hugged me back and I helped her walk upstairs. I laid her down and walked back to my room. I saw Danny laying in a beanbag, I walked over to him and kicked his shoe.

"Huh what?" He asked half asleep.

"Go to Sandy's room. She really needs ya." I smiled. He got up and clumsily walked to Sandy's room. I walked back over to my bed and laid back down. I turned on my side and cuddled into Sam.

*The following morning.*

I woke up to Sam and Putzie arguing.

"You can't call her yours! She is mine!" Sam yelled.

"She was mine before you! You stole her from me!" Putzie argued back.

"You have a girlfriend!"

"Both of you stop!" Danny butted in. They both looked at him and saw I was awake.

"Kyndall, you weren't suppose to hear that." Putzie said and walked over to me trying to calm me down.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled. He backed away and walked away from me.

"Kyndall... what's wrong?" Sam asked me.

"Don't talk to me! Either of you! I am not a prize to be fought over!" I got up and walked over to the both of them.

"Kyndall..?" Putzie asked.

"Listen here, both of you. I am my own person. I don't need you two arguing over me! I don't need a man to make me happy! Especially ones that fight over me!" I screamed. They both became really quiet and didn't look at me.

"Kyn, you need to calm down." Kenickie said looking at me.

"Calm down!? How can I calm down!? I was almost killed yesterday because of some dumb feud between you guys and another gang!" I was furious. I couldn't believe that they were arguing over me. No one does that.

"You are getting mad over nothing Kyndall." Putzie tried saying.

"Over nothing!? How am I mad over nothing!? My life was put on the line! And for the first time in forever I was actually scared to die!" I screamed and ran out of my room, out of the house and down the street. I didn't want to look at them.

So sorry for the long period of time with no update! I'm trying to write during college bc I'm by a computer and easy to get away with it. Just be patient!

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