tommy shelby: christmas wrapping.

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The sound of Tommy sighing multiple times as he struggled to wrap a present for Charlie came to your attention and from your spot on the lounger, you looked over at your husband who was sat cross-legged on the floor looking very stressed. You watched as he tried to hold one of the corners in place while he grabbed another piece of sticky tape but when he failed for the third time, you couldn't help but let out a loud laugh. Tommy rolled his eyes and looked at you before throwing the present on the floor.

"People tend to rip bits of sticky tape off and then wrap the present, it's a lot easier and saves you having to struggle every time you want stick a bit down," you commented, placing the newspaper you were reading down and leaning over to grab the half-wrapped present that had been discarded on the floor. "You've done a good job so far," you lied, examining the gift. You did your best to keep your laughter controlled but it was physically impossible and when it finally erupted from your body, Tommy groaned and rubbed his hand over his face.

"I'm not a present wrapping expert, I never do this shit. We could have got one of the maids to do it or Esme, I'm sure her and John know a lot about wrapping fucking children's presents." he argued with another sigh. Tommy reached into his pocket and lit a cigarette as he watched you begin to wrap the present to faultlessness. The gift that he was wrapping was not necessarily a hard gift to wrap but Tommy didn't have experience in the department. Before his son was brought into the world, Tommy would ask Polly to wrap the presents or you would do the job for him. Yet for some reason, this year he had decided that he wanted to be the one who sorted out Charlie's presents. "If I must wrap one more present I'm going to kill someone, most likely myself."

"Tommy, it was you who wanted to do the presents, so you have no one to blame but yourself. Right, Stop being so theatrical and watch how I do it. You'll learn how to do it effortlessly eventually."

"It's Christmas tomorrow, I need to learn now," he said, dragging the words out for effect. "I'm not celebrating with you," he joked.

"You were the one who decided to leave it until now to wrap the presents. I told you weeks ago that they needed to be brought and wrapped in advance but no, you never listen to a word that I say because Tommy Shelby knows best." You smirked at Tommy before holding the perfectly wrapped present in front of his face. "Come on, cheer up. It's bloody Christmas."

"Not for me. I've already told you, I'm not celebrating with you." Tommy turned his nose up and put on a stern face, but you could tell that was joking. "You can wrap the rest of the presents if you want. I'm hopeless."

You rolled your eyes in a playful manner before throwing a few colouring books and some colouring pencils in his direction. "We can do this together because we are a team, aren't we? Now, do me a favour, stop being over-dramatic and get ripping that sticky tape into small pieces and I will sort the wrapping paper out."

Tommy gave you a teasing smile before obeying to your orders. "Personally, I think that next year we should leave the present and Christmas organisation to you because jokes aside, I can't do this stuff," he said as he messed with the sticky tape until he found the starting point - your lips pressed together in order to stop the laughter from leaving your body at his frustration. After a few moments of silence, you looked up at Tommy to find him staring at the Christmas tree.

"What's up?" you questioned, waving your hand in front of his face to gain his attention.

"Why the fuck are we wrapping the presents? He's only a couple of years old, he doesn't know anything about Christmas. The other day, he grabbed one of the decorations off the tree and threw it straight at my head because he thought it was some sort of toy."

"Oh, I wish I had been there to see that," you chuckled before placing another successfully wrapped present underneath the tree. "You and Charlie spent ages decorating it as well."

"Nearly gave me bloody concussion," he muttered. Before you could reply, a loud and long yawn left your body earning you a soft smile from Tommy as he nodded towards the stairs. "Go to bed, I'll finish these."

You shook your head before grabbing another present. At that moment, you cursed Tommy for being so generous when it came to his son. It had been a good couple of hours since Tommy had started wrapping the presents and there was still many to go. Half of them were scattered across the oak floor, others placed on the multiple expensive sofas. When another yawn left your lips, you looked at Tommy with sadness before shrugging your shoulders.

"I don't want to leave you on your own to do it," you finally responded.

"Please, go to bed. I need you awake and alert tomorrow because I can guarantee that something will go wrong with the cooking," he said, chuckling when your face dropped.

"Why did I offer to cook?" you asked, whining a little. "Right, I'm going to bed then, but I want you upstairs as soon as you've finished. If I'm asleep then wake me up, okay?"

"And why's that?" Tommy smirked, causing a blush to rise onto your cheeks.

"Because I think that you deserve one of your Christmas presents early."

Tommy gulped before pointing towards the presents. "I think Mary is still awake. I'll pay her extra to wrap these up," he muttered before quickly standing up. You licked your lips before running up the stairs, Tommy soon following behind.

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