Chapter Two

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I sighed and dropped my head as Beautyfrost went on and on about how how perfect Jaguarfur was. I rolled my eyes and flattened my eyes against my skull, wanting to keep her ranting out,

"Alright Beautyfrost you can stop now.. Jaguarfur is perfect.."

I grumbled and rolled my eyes and she squealed happily, adding a giggle.

"Sorry Pantherkit, I know I shouldn't drool over toms infront of kits-"

"Really," I rolled my eyes, "It's fine. Expressing your feelings to a Tom Kit is perfectly fine."

I said sarcastically while she smiled and rolled her eyes, playfully batting at me. I quickly ducked and leaped at her, stumbling and pulling short, I landed with a thud.

Beautyfrost smiled but then nosed at me, I huffed.

"What? I can't hunt or fight.. I'm useless to the clan!"

"Just because you can't attack me doesn't mean you can't fight or hunt. You need a little practice and help with that little long tail of yours."

I sighed and sat up, slouching.

"Its still useless-"

"Pantherkit, you have the best father and mother. Cedarstar is the best fighter! Your mother! She's the best hunter in leaf-bare." She sighed, "You really have great parents that have excellent qualities."

I nodded and purred, smiling softly. "Thanks Beautyfrost, most of the other kits would just complain on how slow I am.. how weak and puny I am..."

She shook her head, "Well they are wrong.  Pantherkit you will become the greatest in this clan, your memory as a strong and clever panther will take your name on for generations... just believe Pantherkit."

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