Chapter 2: Helping Hand

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King Dice walked away from his room door and to the elevator. He pressed the button for the ground floor. King Dice walked through the Devil's private Casino.

"How is she doing?" Said the Devil as King Dice walked past his throne.

"She's alright... I guess" Replied King Dice as he continued to walk out of the private Casino.

He carried on walking until He was in the Casino. King Dice straighten his bow tie and got back to work.

Meanwhile, Cherry was wandering around Mr King Dice's room. She walked into his office and had a look as some of his work. Slowly Cherry wandered towards his desk and sat down in the chair. Cherry looked on his desk to see a photo. She grabbed a photo frame with a picture of King Dice, and by the looks of it his family. Cherry glanced to the side, grabbed a book that was sitting on his desk and  started to read it. The book was called "Guide To Gambling". Cherry became more intreguied by the book and carried on reading it. The time flew by for Cherry, she was so absorbed in the book she didn't realise it was 11:30pm.

King Dice came back from the Casino and locked the door. He had a look around and couldn't see Cherry anywhere. Slowly he opened the door to his office and saw Cherry sitting at his desk. King Dice lent up against the door, crossed his arms and had a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing?" King Dice Said in half strong, half gentle voice.

Cherry whipped around quickly, shocked to see Mr King Dice standing there.

"N...n...noth..nothing" Stuttered Cherry as she began to stand up.

"Oh really... I don't think that's nothing Cherry" Replied King Dice as he pushed himself off the door and started to walk towards Cherry.

Cherry started to back away until she hit the desk. Mr King Dice was a few inches taller than her which intimidated Cherry. Finally he came right up close to Cherry, almost two inches away from her.

"Have you been looking at my photos?" Said King Dice as he placed one hand on the desk.

Cherry's heart started pounding in her chest. She was terrified he was going to do something to her, if she told him that she had.

"Well..." Said Mr King Dice as he placed his other hand down on the desk, blocking Cherry in so she couldn't run.

Cherry couldn't speak, she was terrified for her life.

"Not talking huh?... it doesn't matter... I know you've looked at it... I can see it's been moved" Said Mr King Dice as he grabbed the same photo as Cherry did eailer.

"If you were wondering who they are... that's my family" Said Mr King Dice as a few tears started to form in his eyes.

"You have my Father Mr Adrien Dice, My Mother Mrs Doreen Dice, My older Brother Lawrence Dice, and My younger Sister Alice Dice" Continued Mr King Dice, Cherry could see tears being held back in his eyes.

King Dice placed the photo back down on the desk. Placed a hand on his face then walked out in a state. Cherry put both hands on her chest and felt awful for King Dice. Slowly Cherry walked out of the office and into the main room. She glanced to her side to see King Dice sitting with his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry Mr King Dice" Said Cherry as she sat down on the sofa next to him.

"Don't be sorry... it's not your fault" Replied King Dice as glanced to the side and gave Cherry a small smile.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. King Dice and Cherry looked towards the door. Slowly King Dice got up off of the sofa and walked towards the door to unlock it.

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