Chapter Two

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*Hi there! If you're reading this I just want to say thank you and I'm sorry I have posted late. I wanted to post every day but I don't know if I'll be able to do that so I might bump it to once or twice a week. I will keep you updated on that. Anyways I hope you enjoy!*

The next day, Samantha woke up around 11 o' clock. Alice was on her side of the bed but was still asleep. As gently as she could, Samantha eased out from underneath the comforter and stood up. As she took a step to the bathroom, she heard a crunch underneath her foot. "I have got to clean that up." She thought to herself as she wiped a crushed chip off of her foot. Carefully maneuvering through the mess of chips, soda cans, and pizza crust, she finally made her way to the bathroom. After relieving herself and brushing her teeth, she stepped out to follow with her daily ritual of meditation. However, as she looked over to the bed to make sure her partner was still asleep, she froze. Alice had rolled over and spread out so that she covered nearly all of the bed. The comforter was twisted around the center of her body. Her bright red hair was a mess around her head and her soft round mouth was ajar with a quiet snore escaping from time to time. But even so, she looked more beautiful than ever. Her skin a smooth creamy color with a few brown freckles sprinkled over her body. She was what people would consider being thick. She was healthy but boy did she have curves in all of the right places. In her right earlobe, she had five piercings with rainbow studs in her ears. In her left was just two that she usually wore diamond studs in it. Samantha smiled as she looked over the body that she knew just as well as hers. Hell even better than her own body. She knew every dimple, every sweet and sore spot, every inch of her red head Angel. Shaking her head as thoughts of waking up her partner with a million soft kisses started to sound like a good idea, she turned around and walked away from the bed. She had a ritual to follow, one that even her trusted lover had no idea about.

In short, Samantha was a witch. In not- so- short, she was one of the strongest self-taught witches in her city. A few years ago she had walked through a library to find a new book to read when she found herself drawn to a book about Magick and witchcraft. After that fateful day in the library, she started to do research and practice herself. Practicing felt natural to her and as she learned more magick, she became stronger. And because of her strength, the witch community grew jealous and turned on her, chasing her out of her hometown.

It took a while for her to find a new town where she would feel safe. Along with the change of her hair from long and blonde to short and brown, she also started to use the name Mystic Roze when she would practice or around other witches. This worked for her because no one knew who she was or about her past. However, word about her from her previous life spread far and wide. She would hear whispers about herself in the dark streets but she never told anyone that the wicked witch of the west, was really little ol' her. But that was good because even with those who admire her, there were many who hated her. Following the same path she walked every morning up the stairs to her attic, she replayed all of the foul things that others have said about her in her head. "She's a fraud." and "That bitch is no witch, she just got lucky." She Shivered at the memories but pushed the thoughts aside as she neared her attic door.

To a mere mortal, it looked like an average door with a "Keep Out" sign on it. But to a witch, it was much more. In front of her door were five purple runes floating about lazily in a blue haze. If anyone was to break the Runes by just opening the door, an alarm will ring that only she could hear. Holding her hand out to the door, she whispered the word "Patentibus" which was "Open" in Latin. The Runes dropped to the ground as if relieved to finally have a break after a long shift of guard duty.

Making sure all the runes were dropped she entered her sacred space. It was mainly an attic but with less dust. In the center of all the mess was a blue circular rug that had frayed edges from constant use throughout all the years. There were also a few spots where she had accidentally spilled candle wax on it when she was first learning how to do spells. Underneath the rug were five protection runes and a pentagram star drawn on the wood floor. Standing at the center of the rug, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath "Earth, Wind, Fire and Sea, I call upon thee to protect me. As I say, So Mote it be." She chanted this a few times until she felt a slight warmth spread through her body. Sitting down cross-legged, she forced herself to clear her mind. Images of her Love actually trying to play the video game last night and failing horribly came to her mind. With a couple of deep breaths and a lot of concentration, she was able to push those thoughts away and focus on her meditation. Soon, her spirit had entered a different realm. Samantha smiled as she walked through a beautiful rainforest. Up above were birds singing a welcoming melody and down below were colorful flowers of all sizes. In this realm, she was no longer in her gaming shirt. Instead, she was in a long light blue dress and her hair was no longer short or brown. Instead, it was back to its natural color of blonde and hung down to her hips.

Soon, she found her usual path and started to follow it while reaching out and lightly touched the petals of the big flowers. Everything here was so soft and vivid and a true image of peace. Eventually, she made it to a large trees stump in the center of the forest. Sitting down on the stump, she started her real meditation. In time she felt herself giving positive energy to the world around her and in return, the world gave her physical energy. She was one of the few that was strong enough to tap into the energies of different worlds and use it at her will.

THUMP! Her meditation was close to the end when she suddenly heard a sound. She simply assumed it was a heavy bird landing on a not so thick branch. However, the sound kept going. Now it sounded as if someone had chopped down a tree and was now trying to quietly drag it behind him. Which of course, they were failing horribly at doing. Her heart started to beat faster but it felt as if ice had started to spread through her veins. She didn't know how, but someone had broken into her private space. The sound was getting louder. Closer. Soon, whatever it was, it was going to be here. For the first time in a while, she was scared. Instead of trying to find out who or what it was, she opened her eyes in the real world and broke the seal she had with her meditation. She looked around her attic to make sure no one was there. Satisfied she was alone, she gave in as tears filled her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. It was still quiet and warm as when she first entered, but now she felt as if her space had been invaded. That was no ordinary thing to do nor was that something that could happen accidentally. Between her power, her shields AND her runes in play, no one should have been able to get that close to her in her mental realm. For the first time ever, she was afraid to be in her own home. 

*Well that escalated quickly! How did a peaceful routine turn into something so dangerous? Keep reading to find out who is coming after her in the next chapter. Hehe. Also, if you have any questions about the story, please feel free to message me them. I'd be more than happy to explain anything going on here. BYYYYYYYEEEEE*

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