Chapter Three

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 The temperature had dropped a few degrees as Dylan slammed back into his body angrily. "That Bitch! I was so close to finding out who she was and ending her!" Dylan slammed his hand down on his work desk. Before this new witch popped up, he ran this town. Everyone would tremble in fear as he walked down the street, and everybody wanted to sleep with him in hopes they could get a mere taste of his power. But now only simple mortals were the ones who were afraid of him or wanted to be with him. Taking a deep breath to calm down, the temperature returned to normal. He stood up and walked around his desk into the open space to pace, and started thinking out loud. "I might not have been able to get to her, but I did pick up on her power signature." A power signature is something that only strong Witches and Warlocks can project or see. It's very similar to an aura or a solar flare around a person. If a person was to have one, It would form a unique pattern or color. "Thanks to her pulsing blue signature, if I ever run into her out here in the real world, I would be able to find her." Smiling darkly to himself, he fixed his tie in the mirror and exited his office. It was time to open the car shop.

It was slow at first. His, well his father's, employees started to come in one by one until everyone was in. Soon it would be his shop and he swore the first thing he would do when it was his would be to get rid of that lesbian whore who was here. She had no business being in here let alone working on any type of vehicle. He didn't hate her because she liked chicks. He figured she simply had not been with the right man yet. She wasn't bad looking though. Tall, nice lips, busty and she had tattoos. He might have even found himself attracted to her if it wasn't for her being a lesbian and out in a "Man's world." That was where the problem came in.

As a female, she had no business being anywhere near a car shop, let alone under the hood of a car. In this case, his sperm donor of a father was weak. He let women walk all over him which is why his mother left and found his new stepdad , Frank. Frank was all male and ruled his home with an iron fist.

"Excuse me, Sir? Is Samantha here?" Dylan paused for a moment before looking up at the guy in front of him. He was a tall male, maybe six foot something and muscular. He was in a business suit which meant that he was probably a smart man. So why was he asking for the bitch in the back? "Why are you looking for her?" He asked trying to sound as if he really cared. "She's been working on a project with me and I just got the new part that we were missing." The Pricks eyes light up like a Christmas tree as he continued to talk about the car but Dylan wasn't listening. This guy is a fool. "Letting a female touch your car? What is wrong with you?" By the look on the guys face, he realized he said that out loud. "I'm sorry. What I mean is, there are plenty of capable men here. Why are you working with her?" He twisted his face as if even saying the word "her" was going to make him puke. The man looked at him with a straight face. "Because she is the best." Dylan rolled his cold grey eyes. "It's a female. And not only that, a lesbian female. And you rather have it touch your vehicle instead of one of my males here?"

Everything started to suddenly move in slow motion as she walked past him. "I'm Bisexual. If you going to insult me, at least do it properly." Samantha said as she walked past him and stood in front of the customer. Today she was wearing a pair of low slung blue jeans that hugged her hips nicely and a red tank top. But that wasn't what he was looking at today."No way." He thought to himself. "No way. There's no way in hell that she is the witch that has been causing me so many problems." But sure enough, as she took the dude in a suit over to a neon green Nissan at the end of the shop car, there was no mistaking the light blue glow that surrounded her, pulsating as if waving at him to get his attention. This was the same blue light that he had followed in that rain forest of hers this morning. It was her. There was no mistaking it. The corners of his mouth went up a little in a dark grin as he started to create a plan in his head to get rid of her.  

*Well looks like Samantha is about to have some trouble coming her way. Will she see it coming or catch her by surprise? Find out in the next chapter of: Spider Web. BYYYYYEEEEE!*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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