They don't need to understand

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"Is she awake yet?" I hear someone ask "no, wait! I think she's waking up!" I hear someone cry.

 I open my eyes to see three guys in black staring at me as if I were the last cookie in a jar. I crawl back as much as I can before I'm sitting upright against the wall "who are you?!" I cry, they seem taken aback from this, but on of them holds their hand out "I'm CC!" the one with a bandanna smiles, I don't shake his hand how knows where it's been... "I'm Ashley Purdy," says the shirtless guy "and this is Jake" Ashley nods to the last one.

 "why am I here? the last thing I remember is run- never mind" I mutter "we were setting up the show for tomorrow and heard you scream, so we went to see what happened, and low and behold a girl passed out behind a building." Jake explained, I look down "Oh... right." 

"So, anyways, are you okay? you can stay here and help us set up if you want." suggested Ashley "Other than a bit of a headache, yeah I think I'm fine." I lie, I wish I could say no, I'm not fine, I just ran from home and I've never been fineI've never had anyone to talk to. But I suppose that'd be too direct. 

We walk out of the building I now know is a tour bus to go to the venue for their "show" to help out. "So, are you guys a band or something?" I ask quietly.

 "Sorry, you'll have to speak louder darling." Ashley replied "Oh. Um, I asked if you guys were a band..." I said a bit louder "Yeah, Black Veil Brides," CC answered "Ever heard of it?" he added "I think so... I think I've seen a few songs on You tube..." I think out loud "But, you haven't listened to our music yet?" Jake asks "No, not yet, I don't think..." I mumble,  Jake nods in understatement.

"Hey guys!" Someone greets.

 I look up, Whoa, that dude is tall. "Hey Andy." Ashley greets "Who is this?" asks who I presume to be Andy.

 I point to myself and raise an eyebrow "Yeah, you." Andy confirms "Payton... but, uh my nickname is Tron..." I introduce. He gives me a look of confusion before he asks "Are you the one who screamed earlier? You okay?" He questions.

 "Yeah, fine." I force a smile. "She came here to help set up and stuff!" CC exclaims "Cool! all we really need to do now is just set up the lights now, so I don't think there's much to help out with." Andy ushers us to the stage where people are working on lights. "I can help with the lights, I was the only one in charge of lights in a few school plays." I offer "So you can help with programming them?" Jake's face brightens. "Yeah, piece of cake." I say, trying not to sound to brag-ish. "Awesome, our lighting guy went home yesterday sick, so we were wondering who would do the lights." Ashley smiled, I smiled back as an answer.

when we got to the stage I was told to wait in the seating area until the crew were finished putting the lights up.


Hai there. 

Bai there.

Hermescamper, OUT!

(A note from the author a year in the future: I'm trying not to hit myself in the face with a brick. I'm just glad I don't have any spare bricks lying about in my room.)

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