Done For You

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"We're going out for lu- What the heck?" Sam stood there, looking very confused as we lay on the ground covered in grass and dandelions "Should I ask?" she moans "I don't know, should you?" I smirk "No, I probably shoudn't." Sam sighs "So, We're going to lunch, do yo-"

"FOOD!" Jake gets up and runs to the bus "I think that was a yes." Andy says matter-of-factly "If there's food, I'm game." CC tells Sam "Where is this lunch?" Ash asks "Tim Horton's." Sam replies "Where?" Jinxx asks, I look at him wildly "You don't know what Tim Horton's is?" I slowly manage "No... Is that wrong, should I know?" Sam places a hand on his shoulder "I don't blame you, you poor Americans are deprived." Sam comforts "Canadians FTW!" I get up "Are we going to Timmie's now?" 

"Yes, let's go!" Sam and I begin to run to the bus "But, nobody answered my question! What is Tim Horton's?!" Ash calls after us "YOU SHALL SEE!" I yell back.


 "I see nothing special about this place." Ashley moans as we pull in to the parking lot of the cafe "Isn't this place like dunkin' donuts?" CC asks "Yes, but better." I get out of the car and begin skipping towards the door, Sam, Luke, Dan and the guys at my heels.

"Can I get you something?" The lady at the counter asks as we move up in line "I'll have an ice cap please!" I cheer as I take out my wallet.

In a matter of seconds the girl walks up and gives me my ice cap "Anything else?"

"No thank you." I smile and pay for my drink, sipping it as I walk past the guys "Any suggestions, Tron?" Jake asks "Tim-bits, ask for the chocolate and the powder covered ones filled with strawberry jelly, than share than with me." I suggest "Who said we'd share?" Andy jokingly scoffs "Fine then, why not look at, oh, I don't know how about the large glass display case over there with tens of amazing things." I walk away and sit down at a table to continue my sippage of this wonderful drink of mine.

"Hey!" I look over to see some random boy looking at me, I decide to ignore him since he might be signaling to someone else "Are you Tron?" I look at him, surprised and nod "You're Tron?" He laughs "Um... yeah... How do you know me?" I question "You're Andy Beirsack's girlfriend!" He scoffs "Um... no..." I look at him funny "But, there's about a million pictures of you and Andy sitting together and stuff, all the fan pages ship you two and half of them call you two cannon." He takes out his phone and brings up a Facebook page called "BVBarmy5ever" and clicks a photo of Andy and I talking together, walking back to the bus, me laughing at a joke of his "Ugh, I see why celebrities complain about paparazzi so much." I moan "So, that was taken out of context?" The boy looks sad "Yeah. Sorry if you ship it." I laugh.

"Holy crap..." his eyes move to something behind me "It's Black Veil Brides. Black Veil freaking Brides." he mutters 'I see you've found a fan, Tron." Andy sits down next to me, followed by the rest of the guys "Yeah." I confirm "Can you second that Andron isn't real?" the boy blurts out bluntly "English please?" CC asks "He's asking if any of you can confirm me and Andy aren't dating."

"Oh, Andy and Tron?" Jinxx asks, a smirk playing on his lips, I nod cautiously "They're dating alright." Jinxx tells the boy, before I can react, the boys begin to play along "Yeah, they went out for dinner last night at some fancy restaurant. " Jake pretends to remember what supposedly happened last night "Two words for ya' Madly. In. Love."

"CC, that's three words, and all lies." Andy sighs "No, we're not dating." Andy confirms "Don't trust him! He's lying!" Jake nearly shouts, taking a bit from a Boston creme "So, they are dating?"

"No." Andy and I say simultaneously "yes, they just don't want to go public yet." Ashley laughs, the boy seems confused "Can I get a picture?" He asks to change to subject "Yeah." The guys huddle up with him to take the picture, I sneak my hand behind Andy's head and make bunny ears, they snap the picture and I pretend I didn't do anything "Thank you so much!" the boy says, his eyes sparkling "No prob, what's your name?" Ashley asks "Greg." He smiles "Nice to meet you Greg." they say their last goodbyes and Greg leaves.

"Well, that wasn't awkward at all." Dan sighs, I hadn't noticed them sit down "Yeah.. anyways, let's go, we have a stage to put up!" Luke says enthusiastically "Agreed." Sam nods.


"Do you want me to help you with lights, Tron?" Andy asks "Sure, thanks." We walk over to the stage and I begin to climb the ladder,Andy following my lead "Yeah, we have lights set up for us!" I cheer, this way we don't have to take  our lights up here "Now i just have to turn them on." I walk up the them and begin to find the main control and quickly flick through them all. "That it? I didn't even need to help?" Andy asks, nearly shocked "Yeah, it was nothing." I shrug.

I grab my walkie-talkie and press the button "Lights are done, you can test em' out now Dan." I say in to the microphone "Roger that Rainbow potato." He replies "Rainbow unicorn?" Andy laughs "Man, I don't even know." I sigh, my phone vibrates "Tron speaking, you're on speaker." I answer "I knew hiring a prodigy would be great!" Dan laughs from the other side of the phone "You're a prodigy?" Andy asks, no clear emotion on his face "Oh, Andy's with you? I'm so sorry Tron, I didn-"

"It's fine, you wouldn't have known." I hang up and push past Andy. great, they'll all know what a freak I am now. I think to myself as I slide down the ladder. I plug in my head phones and blast my music, ignoring Andy calling my name as he climbs down he ladder.

What am I going to do now?


I'm going to be gone on the 23-25 of Juse (this month) so, I'm sorry if my updates are slow for a while, I'll keep writing while I'm there, I just won't be able to upload what I write... sorry.

Hermescamper, OUT!

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