Um.. Wrong Number?

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Ryan (Badboy): Bold
Allison: Normal
A: Hey, how are you Will? I agree on your invitation for dinner! Can't wait!

Ryan: Um.. who is this?

A: Haha... LOL😂

Ryan: I swear if this is Brittany, I don't want you as my girlfriend! Take a hint

A: First of all. No, this is not Brittany, this is Allison Daniels and second of all that is no way to talk to a girl

R: Well you don't get to tell me what to do... Who gave a weirdo like you my phone number anyways?
P.S this is Ryan Quinn

A: Ohh... sorry I thought this was Will...Guess he pranked me

R: Will Scott... do u go to St. Teresa HighSchool?

A: Yeah... how did u know? Are u a stalker

R: No nerd, I go to the same school.. we have chem together...and Will told all his friends about giving u the number of some pizza shop or something

A: I knew I couldn't trust a jock. Sorry for the bother

R: Maybe we could work something out?

A: ???

R: I have some old matter to settle with him.. and now, so do u! What do u say?

A: ummm.... wrong number?
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