1: The Interview

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>Sadie's POV<

Losing your only job is definitely not the best thing to do when you have to pay massive medical bills to the hospital down the street. If you haven't already caught on, yes, I just lost my job at Winston Inc., which is some company that sells random products from baby diapers to macaroni. It wasn't the most favorable job in the world, but working ten straight hours, confined in a tiny cubicle was the only way I could get myself out of the debt that was building up.

The one place I went to after losing my job was to my small apartment which was in the run-down part of New York. It probably wasn't the safest place to live, but it was the only place my roommate and I could afford. The apartment was very bland and hotel-like. Ella, my roommate, had promised me that she would decorate the apartment ages ago, but that has yet to happen.

Turning the key in the lock to get into my apartment was a real hassle. After I shook the key a few times, it ended up getting stuck, which left me locked out of my own home, banging on the door for Ella to let me in. Tears started to stream down my face as I realize how terrible of a day I had. About five minutes went by before Ella finally let me in. Once she saw my tear-streaked face, she immediately realized what had happened to me today.

"Sadie, I'm sorry to hear that you lost your job, but I'm afraid it just wasn't for you. You deserve a better job. Speaking of better jobs, there is an opening at Chambers & Company!" she squeals with excitement as she hands me her phone, silently telling me to call and try to get that job.

Reluctantly, I pick up the phone, only to find that the numbers were already typed in. I nervously press the green call button and hold the phone up to my ear. After about ten seconds, the line connects and I am greeted by a sweet sounding lady on the other end of the line.

"Hello, this is Nancy from Chambers & Company, how may I help you today?"

"Um, hello. My name is Sadie Owens and I would like to apply for a job. I've been told that there was an opening for the role of Mr. Chamber's personal assistant, is that true?" I ask, hoping that the woman would say yes.

"Yes darling, there is an opening. How about I set you up for an interview tomorrow morning at ten o'clock sharp. Is that time fine for you?"

"That sounds amazing! Thank you so much, Nancy! I will hopefully see you tomorrow!"

After I hang up the phone, I toss it back to Ella before jumping up and down in excitement. Realizing that I needed to start figuring out what I needed to wear to the interview, I rushed into my bedroom to find the perfect outfit.



It is definitely hard to fall asleep when you are way too excited for something. Once I found my outfit last night, I started to worry about what may go wrong if I messed up during the interview or even if I didn't get the job at all.

Glancing at the clock, the digital numbers displayed 8:43. That gave me a little under thirty minutes before I was supposed to head out in order to get to the interview on time.

I quickly got into the shower. After I was clean, I blow dried my long dirty blonde hair before curling it. Once my hair was done, I put a light amount of makeup on my face before putting my dress on. The dress I had picked out was black, and it had a sweetheart neckline. I paired my favorite cherry red heels with the dress.

Before heading out of my apartment, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and smiled, actually feeling beautiful for once.

It took about twenty minutes to actually get to the large skyscraper that Chambers & Company was stationed at. glancing down at my watch, I noticed that it was about 9:52. I had successfully gotten to the building without being late! Suddenly nervous, I opened the large doors and walked through the lobby to the receptionist's desk.

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