You Wouldn't Understand

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>Sadie's POV<

The next few days at work were uneventful, just how I like it. I'm not keen on having a drama-filled day, but sometimes you just can't avoid it. My day consisted of sitting in countless meetings, meeting with numerous company representatives, and filling up way too many cups of coffee. The only 'eventful' thing to happen to me today was when I spilt Suzie's coffee on my favorite navy blue dress. That definitely put a damper on my day.

At work, I usually don't disturb anyone, and in return they don't disturb me. It's quite nice, actually. The continuous feeling of being watched like a lion watching its next meal is not a good feeling... It makes me feel uncomfortable.

On the fourth day back to work, I was summoned from my cozy yet bland cubicle. My work pager had been buzzing constantly and I honestly wanted to throw it out of the window so that it could meet its death on the pavement twenty-seven stories below me. Not wanting to get into any trouble for being late, I walk up to the front desk on my floor, where Suzie was typing away on her computer.

"Sorry to bother you Suzie, but do you know which office I'm supposed to go to? My pager keeps buzzing and I really want to throw it out the window." I say with a sigh.

Suzie starts to chuckle before she finally answers my question.

"Sadie, honey, you never cease to crack me up. Everyone that works here hated their pagers at first, but in the long run, they are life savers. Oh, and you are wanted in Mr. Chamber's office. He probably wants some more coffee or his reports to be filed away. You'll be fine, I promise."

It's almost like she sensed my uneasiness when she said that Mr. Chambers wanted me in his office. Sure I'll go to see what he needs, but if he even tries to apologize to me, I will just walk out. That's probably not the brightest idea since he is my boss, but what he said hurt me, and I can't let him get away with saying that without getting some form of punishment. I feel like he shouldn't receive my forgiveness, but everyone makes mistakes, right?

After thanking Suzie, I slowly walk in the direction of the CEO's office, dreading the conversation that was bound to happen. I was already late getting to his office, so hopefully he won't get angry with me for being so slow.

As I approach the door to his office, I notice the detailing of the walls have changed from a bland gray color to an almost gold-looking color. It looked very elegant, but why make one section of the office floor nicer than the other part? Before knocking on one of the large wooden doors, I glance at the name plate that was placed on the wall about three feet up from the floor. It read: Ian Chambers, CEO. Yep, I'm in the right place.

Right when I was about to knock on the door again, the door opens quickly, and I am dragged into the dark office. Before I scream, a large, warm hand is placed over my mouth, muffling any noise that threatened to come out. Once the office doors close, I start to freak out. Obviously someone was in here with me. What if they wanted to kill me? Maybe that's why they placed a hand over my mouth so that the whole floor wouldn't become suspicious.
Okay, maybe that's a bit extreme, but you never know with people in this world nowadays.

I continue thinking about possible situations and what this person wants to do with me before I feel someone breathing on my neck. Frightened, I let out a shriek, and I run towards the door, trying to escape the dark room. After I run into the door (hey, it's dark in the room... cut me some slack) and figure out that it's locked, I break down into tears.

A few seconds later, the person that was in the room with me rushes over to the light switch and turns the lights on. Anger courses through my body when I see my boss looking down at me with a concerned expression on his face.

He bends down and tries to help me up from the carpeted floor, but I angrily shove his hands away from me and get up on my own. Once I am standing, I glare at Mr. Chambers. He is in his usual black suit, which looks extremely expensive. His dark hair is slicked back, and his beautiful blue eyes were filled with concern, guilt, and something else that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"Love, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you that badly. I only wanted to surprise you, that's all."

"Did you only call me into your office to 'surprise' me, or is there even a purpose for me to even be in here? If not, I have work to finish, and I would rather not have to stay at work longer than I need to." I state, anger evident in my voice. Hopefully, he didn't catch the little lie about having work to finish. Ha, I've been done with all of my work since I got back from lunch break.

"Sadie, I know that you don't have any work left to do. By the way, it's not a smart idea to lie to your boss, just letting you know. But anyways, I only called you in here to apologize about my actions and what I said to you a few days ago. It was totally uncalled for, and I regret saying those hurtful words. I also want to apologize scaring you so badly a few minutes ago... I honestly didn't mean for it to go that far..." he says, looking deeply into my eyes.

"Mr. Chambers, I can't forgive you for that. What you said to me hurt me a lot, and I can't let you get away with saying that without having any sort of punishment."

I know I am probably overreacting about this whole situation, but it's only for the best. Right when I let my walls down and leave my heart in the open for anyone to see, I end up getting hurt. I don't want a repeat of my past, and if blocking people out and avoid getting close to them keeps me protected from falling into the same situation, then so be it. I would rather have my heart intact instead of having to clean up the pieces of my broken heart from letting someone into my heart.

Without realizing it, a single tear rolls down my cheek. Suddenly, Mr. Chambers extends his hand and tries to wipe the tear from my face, but I flinch away from his touch on instinct. I look up to see a hurt expression on his face.

"Hey, did I do something wrong to cause you to flinch away from my touch?"

"Y-you wouldn't understand."
With that, I unlocked the door and fled his office, tears streaming down my face. I make my way over to my cubicle, avoiding the questioning looks I receive from my nosy coworkers. Once I gather my belongings, I let Suzie know that I am taking the rest of the day off before heading home.

If only the real reason Mr. Chambers wanted some more coffee or some reports to be filed... Then I wouldn't even be in this mess. Knowing my boss, he will try to get to the bottom of this, and why I flinched away from his touch. As I exited the tall skyscraper, I vowed to myself that I would never let anyone back into my heart again and knock down the walls that took me too long to build back up again. Not one person can know about what happened to me in the past...

No one.

{A/N: Hello everyone! I am so sorry for making you wait so long for an update. I have been so busy trying to juggle my time between soccer, schoolwork, church, and my college class. Life has definitely been very busy for me lately. Anyways, what do you think happened to Sadie in the past? Will Mr. Chambers be able to weasel his way into Sadie's heart?

Please vote for my story! The more you vote, the faster I will try to update! Also, please let me know how you like the story so far! I am tempted to delete it, but I don't know if I should... so let me know your opinion!

Thank you so much for reading!}

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