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(a/n: Warning: Reference to sexual activities.)


I awoke in the dark, Jax's arms wrapped around me, and I had my head buried in his chest. It took me a few moments to realise what had happened before we fell asleep. I felt my face heat up, and my breathing hitched. I slowly wiggled my way out of his arms, being careful not to wake him. Then pulled on my boxers that were still on the bed.

"Danny?" Jax asked, obviously groggy from sleeping.

"Yeah?" I asked,  laying back down next to him.

He wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me close to him. I rested my head in his chest and letting my eyes fall closed. I want it to stay like this forever...


I felt a repeated poking in my side, and Jax no longer had his arms wrapped around me. I opened an eye to look at him. He sat there in his boxers and on his legs, smiling at me like a little kid as he poked my side.

"Why'd you wake me up?" I asked, pouting at him.

"Guess who missed school today?" He asked, stopping with his poking.

"Us?" I guessed, rolling onto my side.

"Yep," He whispered, lying down next to me.

"That's nice, at least I can rest." I mumbled, turning to face Jax.

"At least help me come up with an excuse to why we were both gone today!" He said, poking me in the stomach repeatedly.

"Fine, just stop poking me."


"Where were you guys yesterday?" Alex asked. Here we go with the questions. The only one I need to worry about is Dawn. She's the only one observant enough to figure out what really happened.

"I was sick," I muttered.

"I had to stay home for family issues..." Jax said quietly. The way his voice sounded was like he didn't feel like talking about it. He even had  convincing frown on his face. He'd make a great actor. 

"What a coincidence..." Dawn said, looking at us curiously.

"Any reason you have a slight limp?" She asked, looking at me intently. There it is, she's going to be figuring this out, isn't she?

"I may or may not have fell into my dresser this morning..." I lied, feeling my face heat up.

"Mhm..." She hummed sarcastically. She's really good at putting things together. Are we sure she's not a detective?


I sat in the back of the class, staring down at the table. I was couldn't wait to get home and rest in my bed, but the day feels like it will never end. And the class hasn't even started yet, so there's also that. As I stared t the desk, I saw a girl sit down next to me. She had blonde curly hair that was dyed pink on its tips. She was also wearing black framed glasses. 

"Is it okay that I'm sitting here?" She asked, even though I'm sure she isn't going to move if I say no.

"Yeah, you can sit there." I mumbled, looking up at her to get a better look at what she looked like. I guess she's cute, for a girl.

"Why are you wearing that sweater over your wings?" She asked, looking at my back curiously. 

"I like wearing large sweaters, I guess" I said shrugging my shoulders. 

"You look good in them too," She complimented.

"Thanks," I mumbled, looking back down at the table. I don't know how I feel about this girl that I barely know, who's giving me compliments. But she might just be really nice...

"You're kind of cute too, but I bet you're already taken." she said, blushing lightly, but not looking away from me. 

"Yeah, I am." I muttered back, not really wanting to continue talking to this girl.

"I'm jealous, your girlfriend is lucky to have you." She said, poking me in the side of my arm. I don't even know who she is, and she's acting like we're friends. And she thinks I have a girlfriend, it's funny that she thinks I'm straight.

"I'm sorry did I say something wrong?" She asked, seemingly concerned. I guess I must have flinched or something when she said girlfriend.

"Actually, you did. You kind of just assumed what I'm into." I said, looking out of the window next to the table.

"Sorry. You're boyfriend is really lucky, bet he's a great guy." She apologised. I could hear that she sounded bitter about the fact that I have a boyfriend instead of what she had been expecting.

I don't like being social, I just want to go home and sleep. Is that to much to ask?

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