C H A P T E R 34

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"Why did I do that to Error. Why did I kiss him." (Y/n) says as she lets out a groan and sits down on a perched rock inside a cave. All her mind is focused on is the negative outcomes that will affect how their relationship. She wishes she could take that chance back and change it. She felt something for him but have no idea how to approach someone and confess. Not knowing what love is, is challenging for her and she wishes she could learn what it means to be someone special. Leaning back on the perched rock she wanted him to feel the same way about her, although he's afraid of physical contact. Just the though of them being together made her all giddy inside. She feels the same way towards Ink, and she doesn't know how to tell him. Having a relationship with two skeletons will make the other one jealous and she doesn't want that to happen due to the amount of attention that they will get.

"I wish that I can at least admit that I have feelings for the both of them." She tells herself as she adverts her gaze towards the entrance of the cave. A turquoise tail and figure swims by the cave with a trident covered in somewhat dead flowers. Seeing the figure swim by the entrance she becomes confused only to slip off the rock and fall to the sand. She groans and could hear the figure from outside the cave approach in alert.

"Who is in here?" The voice says in a firm tone as she could recognize the voice is a male. She becomes silent and gazes up upon the figure that is hovering over her. Her body becomes stiff with fear as she could see that the person is another Sans, but the original in the mermaid universe. He stares down at her with curiosity and stern dark blue orbs, he observes her and can see that she isn't familiar here. He smiles softly and reaches down for her, offering his hand to her. She gladly accepts his hand and he pulls her up.

"So, can you tell me why you're in my cave," He questions as he wraps an arm around her waist pulling her in. "And how a beautiful girl like you got here?"

   (Y/n) blushes deeply as she adverts her gaze towards somewhere else, but him. Looking out the cave, she could see two very familiar skeletons swim by the entrance that made her feel like she could be rescued. Not knowing the name of the skeleton that is holding her firm and tight, looks behind him following her gaze only to land upon the creator and destroyer of universes. A slight scowl made its way to his face and the teenager could feel the anger radiating off of him. In a swift action he pins her up against the cave wall with both of his arms at each side of her head, preventing her from going anywhere. Being slammed against the wall that has ragged rocks pointing out wasn't helping her since it made bruises on her skin. Some of the fresh skin, has gotten a clean cut where some veins are just underneath. Hissing a bit, she lets out a scream, "Ink! Error!"

   The two skeleton perk their heads up and look towards the direction where their names have been called. Error couldn't stand the scene and began glitching out like crazy, his body becomes more disoriented and makes a straight line towards the cave that holds (Y/n) slowly losing consciousness as some of her blood swirls in the water around her. Her (e/c) orbs flicker to a dull color as Error rips the Sans away from her and pinning him to the ground with rage in his eyes. Ink swims after him and sees the teenager in an awful state and rushes towards her with worry visible in his eyes. He could see her eyes losing the spark that she has had ever since she has been in the multiverse. 

   "Error! We're losing her!" Ink exclaims as he picks her up and holds her bridal style, Error gives the merman Sans a strong punch in the eyes as if telling him, 'If you mess with her, you're dead.' Right after that violent action, he swims over to her and sees how much blood she's losing. 

   "Do you know how to fix her!?" Error asks him in a state of panic and worry, as he starts to swim frantically around the cave hoping that she won't die of blood loss. All of these emotions starts to swirl around in him making it overwhelming for him. He didn't know what to do and all of this anger started to boil inside of him, only making it harder on himself. He wants to help but don't know how. 

   "Yes, and don't worry. I will get her fixed." Ink tells him and swims away with (Y/n) in his arms making the glitched skeleton become jealous since he doesn't know how to help anyone. Following after the two, he could only catch a glimpse at Ink returning to UnderSwap to fix her up, leaving Error in the AU by himself. He could feel mixed emotions, and wanted to lash out from all the stress and pressure that (Y/n) is giving to him.

   "Why do you do this to me...?"





A Problem? {Ink!Sans X Reader X Error!Sans}Where stories live. Discover now