Chapter 11

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Bucky and I rushed over to Steve. "Why did he pass out? He looks like he's seen a ghost." I said.

Bucky carried/dragged Steve and put him on the couch. He turned to me and hugged me. "We thought you were dead." He told me.

I looked at him confused. "Why would you think that?"

"We heard on the radio that England was bombed. When we heard which area's it was bombed we started to panic. Then we got a call from somebody telling us they couldn't find you. So they though you were dead." He explained.

I stared at him shocked and then launched myself at him hugging him to death. "I'm so sorry you guys had to go through that." I said quietly.

"It's not your fault. I'm just glad you're alive." He said laughing.

Our noise woke Steve up. "Adelaide..." He said groggily.

I went to his side. "I'm here Steve. I'm ok." I told him reassuringly.

He opens his eyes fully and saw me. I smiled. "Hi Steve."

"Lady...?" He said, still confused. Then his eyes widened, and he hugged me. "You're ok!"

I laughed and hugged him back. "That I am."

"What happened?" Steve asked.

"Welllll." Steve and Bucky looked at me expectantly. "ThealarmwentofandHowardamdIdrovetotheairfieldbombswherefallingthenonehitnearusshrapnelfleweverywhereHowardnearlydiedthenIhealedhim aaaaand now I'm here." I said quickly.

They looked at me oddly. "Can you repeat that?" Bucky asked. I nodded.


Steve cut me off. "Slowly." He said.

The alarm went of and Howard and I drove to the airfield. Bombs where falling then one hit near us shrapnel flew everywhere. Howard nearly died then I healed him..." I said slower.

"Aaaaand now you're here?" Bucky said.

I laughed. "Yeah... It was quite the adventure." I said. Then they both crushed me in a hug. "Guys!"

Steve smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, we're just glad that you're ok." He said.

I smiled. "I'm just glad that I'm back. I missed you guys so much."

"Awwwww thanks sis. We missed you too!" Bucky said annoyingly.

I glared at him. "Don't mock me. I just got off a plane that had been shot at when before I had been shot at and before that I was woken up by a BLOODY BOMB WARNING!" I told him moodily.

Bucky burst out laughing. "You said bloody! Who've been in England for so long you talk like them. You even have a bit of an accent!" He said between laughs.

I glared daggers at him. Then I smirked, I never told him what Peggy was at school for. Or what she had taught me in our free time. Steve saw my thoughts. "Bucky, you may want to stop teasing her..." He said nervously.

Bucky just kept on laughing asking what I would do. "Wellll, do you remember me telling you about Peggy?" I asked them. Bucky and Steve nodded. I seemed to confirm Steve's thoughts judging by his face. "Well she taught me some thing..." Then I punched Bucky in the stomach, and hit his knees efficiently knocking him to the floor. Not laughing might I add. ;)

Let's just say if Bucky meets Peggy he will be very careful of what he says...


I walked down the street with a sling in my step. I was heading to 'Sal's Diner' the diner where Mary worked. Steve and Bucky had gone off to do what the normally do and I headed to go see my best friend that I haven't seen for four years!

My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now